King Charles
KIng Charles II regranted the region to eight lords proprietors, The grant had reuised name of North Carolina . Page 100 -
Lord Proprietors
Lord Proprietors recieve new chater extending their territory . Page 101 -
Popular Party
The popular parties begins culpeper's rebellion . Page 101 -
New governor
The new governor barely had time to unpack his trunk when he faced with an unpleasant incident . page 110 -
The Tuscarora War
The Tuscarora war is fought , Page 101 -
Carolina Splits
Carloina oficially splits into North Carolina and South Carolina . Page 101 -
Port Bath
Port Bath was Created , and the town became an important trading center for a number of years . Page 111 -
South Carolina
Word reached South Carolina's governor in Charles town that a pirate ship had been seen off the coast . Page 117 -
Two team of suveyors , one from North Carloina and one fom Virgina , finally established the boundary between the two colonies . Page 118