
North America Between 1700 and 1800

  • Beginning of the First Great Awakening

    Beginning of the First Great Awakening
    The first great awakening was a time period in which religious beliefs were revived to freedom of what people wanted to believe in.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    The war often described the war for New World Territory. Countries fighting over land so that they may gain a foothold in North America.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    A series of taxes were imposed on the colonies by the British. Taxed the use of stamps and the colonies didn't take too kindly to it. It was quickly removed.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Incident where British troops opened fire on civilians and killed 3 people. People were protesting Britsh Rule and Britsh Soldiers were tired of it.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The first real group of people come together in Virginia and discuss what they can do about the British. These people are often described as the founding fathers of the country.
  • Period: to

    American Revolutionary War

    The war between the 13 colonies and the British. Colonies fighting for freedom from British Rule and looking to become independent. Even though the colonies were heavily outmatched vs. the British; the colonies still prevailed.
  • Declaration of Independence is Ratified

    Declaration of Independence is Ratified
    The official document drafted by Thomas Jefferson stated that the colonies would declare independence from British rule and become their own country. July 4, 1776, becomes one of the most famous dates in American history
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    King George officially signs the Treaty of Paris and ended the Revolutionary War. Also officially declares that the colonies are now a separate country.
  • Constitution was signed

    Constitution was signed
    After becoming a country shortly before. The American government drafted the constitution that would give rights to the people of the country and set a standard of rule.
  • George Washington is the First President of the United States

    George Washington is the First President of the United States
    He would serve until 1797.
  • John Adams becomes 2nd Presidents of the United States

    John Adams becomes 2nd Presidents of the United States
    He would serve until 1801.