North american history

North America

By Tanishq
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Arrival at North America

    Arrival at North America
    Christopher Columbus was sailing to India but he landed in the Caribbean and said "we discovered this land" actually there were people there so he did not discover North America.
  • 1500


    In the late 1500's, European countries had begun to colonize the area or build settlements and develop trade in lands that they controlled.
  • 1st wave

    the first wave was with European colonist
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    Lewis and Clark left St. Louis on an expedition to find a route to the Pacific Ocean
  • 2nd wave

    From 1820 to 1870 a second wave brought more than seven million people, many from Ireland and Germany, fleeing poor conditions.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The construction of the Erie Canal 1825 provided a water route from the aAtlantic to the Great Lakes
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Some tribes in the southeast had highly developed farming and government. If tribes refused to leave troops forced them. The Cherokee who tried to negotiate to keep their land eventually forced into a strenuous 116 -day journey to Oklahoma.
  • Started to settle

    Started to settle
    Starting in the 1840s thousands of Americans became pioneers or settlers of new land. Their westward journey was marked by rough lands, deep rivers, the threat of disease, and even possible attack by Native Americans
  • First Rail Road

    First Rail Road
    Railroads allowed goods, and people to travel even greater distances especially the transcontinental railroad completed in 1869, this railroad crossed the entire continent. The movement to the west was faster and easier for Americans than it had ever been before.
  • 3rd wave

    Starting in 1880, a third wave mostly from parts of southern and eastern Europe brought 23.5million more.
  • 4th wave

    A fourth wave, many from Asia and the Caribbean. Today most immigrants come from Mexico, China, the Philippines and India