North Africa and the Middle East

  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Italy Invades Ethiopia
    Italy's invasion of Ethiopia was the first act of aggression by the axis powers, Ethiopia requested the help of the league of Nations, but the legue did nothing, resulting in a military occupation of Ethiopia.
  • White Paper of 1939

    White Paper of 1939
    Britain issues the White Paper limiting the number of Jewish immigrants into Palestine. World War II begins. Britain seeks to ensure the cooperation of the Arab states.
  • British Forces cross from Egypt into Libya

    British Forces cross from Egypt into Libya
    Fort Capuzzo is captured by the British.
  • Italian Invasion

    Italian Invasion
    Italian forces invade Egypt from Libya
  • Germany's Afrika Korps

    Germany's Afrika Korps
    Hitler sends forces to Libya to aid his flagging Italian allies and pushes British and Australian troops back into Egypt and the port city of Tobruk. Erwin Rommel was the new general.
  • Operation Crusader

    Operation Crusader
    The British Army relieve the Siege of Tobruk in North Africa and reclaim gains made by the Germans and Italians.
  • Offensive in Libya

    Offensive in Libya
    The German “Desert Fox” Colonel-General Erwin Rommel goes on the offensive in North Africa and pushes the Allies back into Egypt. The Germans are stopped at El Alamein, only 66mi (106km) from Alexandria.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    British and American forces land in North Africa as “Operation Torch,” commanded by U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower and aimed at driving the Axis powers out of the region and mounting an assault on France and Italy.
  • Second Battle El Alamein

    Second Battle El Alamein
    The Germans try a second time to capture El Alamein but are pushed back across Egypt and Libya by the Allies under the command of Lieutenant-General Bernard Montgomery
  • British Army fighting against Italian Campaigns

    British Army fighting against Italian Campaigns
    Montgomery's Eighth Army takes Tripoli.
  • Tunisian Campaign

    Tunisian Campaign
    Allied forces push the remaining Axis troops into a corner and they are forced to surrender on May 13, effectively ending the war Africa.
  • Arab States

    Arab States
    World War II ends; the League of Arab States founded in Cairo by Egypt, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria to work for Arab independence