Jan 5, 1064
The Throne
Later that day that there he was King Edward in his death bed. He named Harold his successor. Later Edward died and Harold was named new king -
Dec 24, 1064
The Declaration of the War
Tostig who was exiled, who was also Harold's brother. And king of Norway,Harald also had designs and threatened for war to to begin. -
Jan 18, 1065
The Battle
During the war there were only the the south that was left uninvaded leading William to invade it. While that was happening tostig and Harald the 3rd then invaded the north. -
Jan 24, 1065
The Stuggle of Being a King
While Harold was in authority,Tostig began raiding the southern and eastern parts of England, and eventually joining forces with Harald the 3rd which eventually lead to running out of supplies. Going back to their fields to harvest. -
Sep 25, 1065
The Victory
Tostig and Harld both won a smashing victory. Leaving William unknown on his part. -
Dec 24, 1066
The Norman conquest
This have all started way earlier than when this was actually made an issue, resulting in a lot of changes to Britain including social changes