Nolan's awesome timeline of Verrazano

  • 1485

    Birth of Verrazzano

    Birth of Verrazzano
    He was born in Tuscany, Italy.
  • 1523

    Finding passage to Asia

    Finding passage to Asia
    He secured two ships for a voyage backed by the french king to find a westward passage to Asia.
  • 1524

    Verrazzano explores the new world

    Verrazzano explores the new world
    Verrazzano sailed a vessel, La Dauphine, to the new world in January and reached Cape Fear in early March. He also explored northward which lead him to exploring part of eastern North America.
  • Jul 8, 1524

    Verrazzano claims new world for France

    Verrazzano claims new world for France
    Verrazzano gave King Francis 1 his nation's claim to the new world.
  • 1527

    Going to Brazil

    Going to Brazil
    Verrazzano commanded a fleet of ships going to Brazil that returned profitably dyewood to France.
  • 1528

    Verrazzano's death

    Verrazzano's death
    Verrazano died in Lesser Antilles from being captured, murdered, and eaten by native American canibals.