Nolan Bhushnell

By muhsid2
  • Before Atari

    Before Atari
    Nolan Bushnell trys to sell Computer Space, but Computer Space fails to sell.
  • Period: to

    Nolan Bushnell's life

  • Atari

    Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney start their own game company called Atari
  • Pong

    Pong is made and placed at Andy Capps bar to test. After one day the game jamms because the quarter box is is full.
  • Skills

    Pong sells three times as much as pingpong machines sell. They start makeing 3.2M a year. Nolan's partner sells his part of the company to Nolan. N
  • Kee Games

    Nolan opens a new company Kee Games to have some "competition"
  • Money

    To save money Kee games and Atari combine. Tank becomes a super famous game
  • Pong

    Home Pong was invented
  • SWAG

    Sears agree to sell home pong. The first home system. Pong raises 40million dollars.
  • Stella

    Atari invents Stella the first home systen that excepts cartrigases.