Noam Chomsky (1928 - Now)

By GunnJ
  • Birth

    Noam Chomsky, also known as "Father of Modern Linguistics" was born on December 7, 1929 in East Oak Lane, Philadelphia, PA. He recently celebrated his 94th birthday on December 7, 2022.
  • Generative Grammar

    Noam Chomsky developed Generative Grammar in the 1950s. Generative Grammar is the way in which rules are set for a sentence to be formulated properly. This defines the syntactic structure and approach of a language.
  • Chomsky vs. Skinner

    A huge debate begun in 1959 when Chomsky reviewed Verbal Behavior (Skinner, 1957). Skinner believed that language was a learned subject whereas Chomsky believed language was genetically engrained. Since Chomsky released his review of Skinner, Chomsky's review received more attention than the book of Verbal Behavior itself. Skinner let this be known in his response to Chomsky. TimeToast
  • Universal Grammar

    In the 1960s, Noam Chomsky developed the "Universal Grammar (UG)" theory in which he described that the brain is inevitably structured to learn language. Languages/grammar are developed in children and will have the ability to learn it no matter their background or the factors in which they are raised.
  • The Minimalist Program

    On September 28, 1995, Chomsky published his book, The Minimalist Program. This book was first introduced in 1993 and was a development of the Linguistic Theory. It discusses the Government and Binding Theory (GB) and its approach to syntax.