Noah Essey: soccer timeline

  • Synthetic ball

    Synthetic ball
    In the 1960's the first synthetic ball was made because they ball would absorb less water and they could use the same ball structure. This ball was created when leather balls were not being used as much and pig skin or bladder was not used anymore
  • Astroturf

    Astroturf was first used so that the field would become better for the players and collect less mud and dry quicker. The astroturf was synthetic grass that was a new innovation the changed the way the soccer field looked and it changed the way the soccer field was prepared for before a game
  • Goalkeeping Gloves

    Goalkeeping Gloves
    1980’s gloves became a very important thing for goalkeepers and an advancement and made gloves from latex form and this made gloves stickier to catch the ball and durable. Goal keeping gloves was became very popular in this time and latex gloves was the new way for goal keepers to have the most advanced gloves
  • Jerseys

    Mid 1980’s jerseys were being made to fit the player better so they were lightweight and durable, these jerseys would become less annoying for the layer because they weren't baggy. By using jerseys that weren't baggy but are fitted, it allows the player to use all their abilities with nothing in their way
  • Goal keeping gloves

    Goal keeping gloves
    In the 2000’s glove designs have been changed so that you can get flat palmed gloves, heavily padded roll finger gloves and snug-fitting negative cut gloves so that they can suit the goalkeepers needs. New technology was used to make different types of gloves into different fits and shapes
  • Vanishing spray

    Vanishing spray
    The vanishing spray was created but was first used in soccer in 2001. The spray is used by a referee to make a temporary visual marker. The vanishing spray is 80% water and 20% of a gas and this is what makes the markings
  • New Cleats

    New Cleats
    New cleats were made with carbon fibre bases so that the players can have more ball control when playing the game. The new cleats used a new design to make the boot lighter than what is it and started to use plastic studs
  • Goal Control System

    Goal Control System
    The goalcontrol system was introduced so that cameras could look down on the field (mainly the goals) so that it can track and know everything has happened on the field so that an unsure referee can know if the shot was a goal or not
  • Soccer ball

    Soccer ball
    The most technologically made ball was made in machines that give it a perfect shape and has many advancements such as it is very light, waterproof and has good grip. The new ball used a new technology that made a perfect sphere shape
  • New boots

    New boots
    A new boot was made and is known as the superfly, it has an ankle brace for support, better tightness and grip for the boot and it was a light boot being weighed at 200g. These features all allow the player to be able to run faster
  • A new Soccer Ball

    A new Soccer Ball
    A new soccer ball was made so that the ball would be good on the surface it's played on, better grip and had a widely praised panel shape so playing with this ball would make a better. This new soccer ball was able to be used on many surfaces and have a very good grip so that when it is used it makes a game better