Qin Dynasty
The Qin dynasty's ancestors were from the same region of the Zhou, and were also customed to the Barbarians. It is for this reason that the Qin dynasty's Leaders had armies made up of farmers that had been trained to be soldiers. -
Meroe was the capitol of Nubia when Egypt faltered and Nubia flurished in the 4th century BCE. Meroe was very well positioned for trade as it was found between Asia and Africa -
Daoism is the belief that there should be withdrawl from the rigid customs of the ancient chinese. Daoism was one of the major sides in the warring states period. -
Roman Conquest
Rome began to seak out more and more territory and was invading many countries and increasing their rule. This increased tax income for the government, as well as resourses to fuel the growing country. -
Oct 14, 600
Iron Metallurgy
The process of Iron work. The process was perfected in 600 BCE and Iron tools and weapons began to become common, replaceing bronze. -
Oct 14, 1000
Celtic Europe
Though the spread of the Celts spread their culture and language, there was never a Celtic nation. In stead, depending on the region, there were different rulers and different governments. -
Oct 14, 1045
Zhou Dynasty
The Zhou Dynasty was the longest lasting of all chinese Dynasties. THe Zhou ancesters were thought to have lived in the west with the barbarians. -
Oct 14, 1045
Mandate of Heaven
The Mandate of Heaven was the right of the chinese ruler to rule, as long as they did what was expected of them by the devine power. The devine power of the mandate of heaven was no particular person, but jsut a cosmic heaven. -
Xia Dynasty
The Xia Dynasty is thought by most scholars to be somewhat of a myth, due to a lack of physical proof of its existance. Little is known about the Xia dynasty, including its fall. -
Shang Dynasty
The Shang Dynasty is the first recorded Dynasty in China with Archeological remains. It is for this reason that the Shang, not the Xai dynasty, is known as the Rise of China. -
Hammurabi's Code
The code of Hammurabi states that there are punishments provided by the court for the accused if they are found guilty, for the accuser if they wrongfully acuse the accused, and that the court's verdict is to be carried out. The code's fundamentals is still found today in the judicial systems of many governments. -
The leader of the Roman government. Only mentioned for Meating Celts after taking preasent day Spain. -
Mesopotamia is "the land between two rivers" and is located between the Tigress and Euphraties rivers. According to the Bible, Mesopotamia was at one point the Garden of Eden. -
Agriculture Revolution
The agriculture Revolution went along with the Neolithic Period and many times the two terms can be switched around. The Neolithic point on this time line is the start, and the Agriculture Revolution marks the end of the Era. -
The belief system of a chinese philocifer stateing that the government is tied closely with a divine power. This is one of the major sides in the warring states period. -
Warring States Period
A time in China where there was no distinct ruler, and there was a fight for power and survival of different clans. Daoism and confucianism came out of the warring states period. -
Hiroglyphics are the Ancient Egyptians form of writing, using less symbols than Cuneiform writing. Hiroglyphics can be desiphered thanks to the Rosetta Stone -
Harappa is one of the two most well known cities from the Indus River Civilizations. Harappa is the smaller of the two cities, housing 35000 People. -
Mohenjo-Daro is the larger of two cities found in the Indus River Vally region. The City was surrounded with high brick walls. -
Indus River Vally
Although there are hundreds of remains from the Indus River Vally, the two most well known are the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. Little is known of the cause of the civilizations, or what they did, due to the high water tables in the region. -
Semites are thought to have been the decendants of Nomads, and they lived in Mesopotamia at the same time as the Sumerians. By all accounts, the Semites and Sumerians seemed to have gotten along in peace. -
Cuneiform Writing
Cuneiform Writing consists of hundreds of "letters" or "symbols" versus the 26 to 34 in most major languages today, with the exception of Asian languages. Due to Cuneiform's vast set of characters, literacy rates of populations were extreamly low, and only very high class and educated people could read and write. -
Egypt was known as the gift of the nile, as it is basically an oasis in the desert, fed by the nile. THe ancient civilization was unlike others, careing less about expantion of territory and more about preserving its many resourses. -
Nubia was a civilization that was along the Nile, such as Egypt. Nubia was located in modern day Sudan. For the Egyptians, Nubia was a wild and dangerous place compared to their home lands. -
Bronze Age
The era following the Stone age in which Bronze was the most used and univeraly traded metal at the time. The Bronze Age was followed by the Iron Age. -
Sumerians were the earliest inhabitance of Mesopotamia shown in any records. The earliest evedence of their residence in Mesopotamia is in 5000 BCE, but they could have been living in Mesopotamia before then. -
Neolithic Period
The Neolithic Period is also known as the New Stone Age. Often times the Neolither Period is associated with the origin of agriculture.