Education in the Colonial Period
During this period, only boys were allowed to attend school while girls stayed at home doing house duties. Mostly throughout this period, people were taught at home, because of Westward Movement and Expansion. http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/outlines/history-1963/the-colonial-period/how-they-were-schooled.php -
Northwest Land Ordinance 1785
This ordinance was meant to increase money throughout the territory at the Northwest Region to get education to move forward. http://www.slideshare.net/bhavik_raval/land-ordinance-of-1785 -
Common School Movement
This movement was known to be schools that were open for everybody except for people who were in slavery. They brought the idea of making schools for certain people who still learned things that they offer to do. MOST IMPORTANT: It helps teachers to know that everybody is welcome to any school, no matter what culture, race, or hard life they are or were in. https://technologymeaningful.wikispaces.com/Public+school+movement -
The Impact of Horace Mann
Horace Mann was considered to be the Father of the Common Schools movement. He made a big difference on getting every education system to include everybody into the program of learning. http://www.biography.com/people/horace-mann-9397522#synopsis -
Growth of Standardized Testing
Horace Mann came up with the idea of Standardized Testing for students who are tested to see if they know a lot of things throughout the Core Curriculum. It was best for students to take this than taking an oral exam. https://daily.jstor.org/short-history-standardized-tests/ -
The Impact of John Dewey
John Dewey has been known as a philosopher of education who has traveled all over the world to teach everyone in need, until his death in 1952 http://dewey.pragmatism.org/ -
Committee of Ten 1892
This was the movement in 1892 of teachers and educators who came up with the idea of high school. This movement went on and on all the way to the present day. High school has been one of the best educational experiences for everybody. MOST IMPORTANT: It's important for educators and students to come up with a separate school for higher level students to attend and learn new things they may have experienced before https://www.digitalcommonwealth.org/search/commonwealth:cc08j339t -
Impact of World War II
Throughout this time, students and teachers have been ordered to evacuate to much safer locations while the war was going. It was a hard life for them to still teach and learn from each other. http://www.bachelor-of-education.org/10-snapshots-british-schoolchildren-world-war-ii/ -
Brown vs. Board of Education 1954
The case was up to the point about black students attending the same class with white students. And, also, for black teachers to teach both white and black students. MOST IMPORTANT: It's important for people to understand that anybody from either a different culture or race can attend and/or teach at the same school with others who are different from each other. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/10/weekinreview/10liptak.html -
Secondary School Movement
This movement was considered the High School Movement, which was for students who were interested in attending a private school at Hartford. http://www.vahistorical.org/collections-and-resources/virginia-history-explorer/civil-rights-movement-virginia/passive -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965
President Lyndon Johnson made this act as a way of bringing elementary and secondary education programs as part of today's learning experience. https://onevoiceillinois.wordpress.com/2015/03/26/family-engagement-and-the-renewal-of-the-elementary-and-secondary-education-act-esea/ -
Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) 1975
This movement had been a big difference for all educators and students. This had been the act of giving students who are either physically, mentally, or behaviorally disabled a chance to learn the same things that other people can learn. MOST IMPORTANT: It's important for people to let other children who are disabled to have a chance to be a part of the school with other students. The IDEA for that is Cluster classes and Mainstream. https://go.learningally.org/idea-then-and-now-a-game-changer/ -
The Standard's Movement
This movement was created in the early 1980s as a movement for educators to increase the Core curriculum of educational lessons for their students. http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/2445/Standards-Movement-in-American-Education.html -
A Nation at Risk Report, 1983
This report had been discovered by President Ronald Regan, who explained that the report was life-threatening to all of education in America. They figured out good solutions to resolve the report from going any further to destruction of education. http://neatoday.org/2013/04/25/a-nation-at-risk-turns-30-where-did-it-take-us-2/ -
No Child Left Behind Act 2001
The No Child Left Behind Act has never been a supporting system. It technically leaves children behind in education. MOST IMPORTANT: Even if the No Child Left Behind Act literally sounds like it's a good thing, it isn't, because students having to take a test and end up failed and never given another chance is still leaving them behind. https://www.mackinac.org/4082