John Boehner
Speaker of the House of Representatives introduced the act to the House of Representatives. -
House of Representative's Approval
No Child Left Behind has gained its first approval from The House of Representatives -
Comes to the Senate
No Child Left Behind Act is accepted and passed by the Senate -
Becomes Law
President George W. Bush signs into law NCLB Act. This act -
Every Student Succeeds Act
This act amends President George W. Bush's "No Student Behind Act". This act did not replace or eliminate but modified and added provisions to allow the federal government a greater role in public education. This act puts into place new expectations and mandates. The assessment test will remain intact, and be held to standards by the state. And most important each state puts into place their laws concerning disability. -
No Child Left Behind Explained
This video explains in greater detail what the act implies, impacts and the many amendments to the act.