
  • Sputnik satellite

    Sputnik satellite launches
  • The national aeronautics

    The national aeronautics and space administration is established in the us.It replaces the national advisory committee on aeronautics
  • Sputnik satellite

    Sputnik satellite
    Sputnik satellite is launched,orbiting the moon and photographing 70%
  • The national aeronautics

    The national aeronautics and administration is established in the us. It replaces the national advisory committee on aeronautics
  • A satellite is launched

    A satellite is launched,orbiting the moon and photographing 70%
  • Friendship 7

    Friendship 7
    Friendship 7- project Mercury carries John H.Glenn,jr. And orbits the earth three times.
  • Gemini 3

    Gemini 3
    Gemini 3 is launched
  • Eheueh

  • Nixonandtiara

    Girls that love selfies