Watergate break-in March 1972
President made plans to wire tape the phones at the watergate in D.C first attempt failed during the second five men were arrested the money they collected was given to nixons reelection -
Watergate coverup
Nixon became involved with the government he illegally allowed the CIA to allow the fbi involved national security. Launched a scheme and persuading them into lie in court. The incident was barely noticed by the public. Nixon won the 1972 by a landside -
Saturday night massacre
In order to prove he was honest Nixon agreed to appt. of a prosecuted a prosecutor works for justice department and investagation by government officials. Nixon released the White House. Fired on Saturday October . Beginning a series of firings that became know as Saturday night massacre -
Battling political enemies
Nixon suspicious made the White House act as they were surrounded by political enemies. Someone's. The security council leaked out government info to the N.Y times and made listening devices to b I stayed into some telephones . In 1971 the plumbers broke into the office and because of that they shared closed info with others. -
The watergate trial
Judge j. Silica as not convinced that the full story has been convinced. Sentenced the burgalars to prison terms could reduce if the cooperated with upcoming hearings -
Nixons administration 1973-1974
Nixon edited transcripts instead anger was building up across many who read the transcripts. Spiro Agnew accused everybody of taxes, bribed resigned early October 1973 . Not confirmed till two months later -
Nixon pardon
Beginning of fords presidency time magazine said "a mood of good feeling". A month after his resignation ford he might have avoided future prosecution. As an result republicans were voted out of office in 1974?