Nixon's Disaster

  • Nixon Elected

    Nixon Elected
    Nixon is elected in 1964.
  • Spiro Agnew

    Spiro Agnew
    Spiro Agnew was President Nixon's first vice president. He was forced to resign.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    People connected to Nixon were caught bugging the Democratic National Committee.
  • Gerald Ford is Vice President

    Gerald Ford is Vice President
    Nixon swore in Gerald Ford as his new vice president.
  • Ford Becomes President

    Ford Becomes President
    Ford becomes president after Nixon's resignation.
  • Pardoned

    President Ford gives Ex-President Nixon a pardon for his crimes.
  • Does America WANT Nixon pardoned?

    Does America WANT Nixon pardoned?
    Most said no. Many wanted Nixon to be punished for his actions.
  • 1976 Election

    1976 Election
    Democratic candidate Jimmy Carter beat Gerald Ford and was elected president.