nixion watergate

  • white house plummers unit

    white house plummers unit
    Nixion hired five men to get information about George McGovern. These men were dressed like plummers. THey Got Caught by janitors of the watergate hotel. This Is a turing point because nixion's plan was caught in action. And the world new he was cheating to get the relection
  • 5 men

    Five men from the CIA were arrested at 2:30am in the morning trying to bug George McGovern's ofiice at the watergate hotel. This is a cause and effect because they were trying to bug George McGovern's ofiice they got caught and arrested.
  • Gop security aide is among the watergate burlars

    Nixon denies on knowing about anything about the Plummers at the watergate
  • fbi agents

    FBI agents established that water gate break in was for avantege of nixions reelection.
  • nixion reelected

    This is a continuity because he is staying in office.
  • former nixion

    former Nixion's aides Gordon liddy and james McCord Jr. found guilty with five other men, This is a turning point because it is showing that people that where very close get arrested mite show that Nixion lieing.
  • senate watergate

    Senate Watergate committee begins national tv. This is huge because not only does the government know about this but know to the whole world.
  • Watergate prosecutors find a memo

    prosecuters find a memo addressed to John Ehrlichman about the planning and details of the watergate plummers.
  • Alexander Butterfield

    This is the turning point of the whole time. This is big because Alexander Butterfield reveals Nixon recorded all conversations and phone calls in his office since 1971
  • Nixion reportedly

    As soon as the tapes were found out, Nixion orders all taping systems to get disconnected
  • Nixion refuses

    Nixion is refusing on this date to turn over the tapes, this is a change because it shows that Nixion is hiding something.
  • tapes turnover

    Nixion turns the tapes over about the water gate scandel to the sentate
  • Resigns

    Nixion becomes the first president to resign out of office.