Vietnam map #2

Nishant Shah - The Ethnicities, Religions, and Language of Vietnam Throughout History

  • 2000 BCE


    In antiquity, the region near Vietnam had ethnicities that consisted of native people, used languages that came from *FOREIGN regions, and practiced several common religious activities. The ethnicities consisted of the *KINH who spoke the language families of *AUSTRO-ASIATIC and *TAI-KADAI. They practiced the religious activities of *SHAMANISM (Belief that a Shaman can communicate with *OMNISCIENT spirits) and *ANCESTOR WORSHIP (Belief that ancestors watch over you, give you guidance).
  • 111 BCE

    The Han Dynasty Conquers

    The Han Dynasty Conquers
    In 111 B.C.E. The *HAN DYNASTY (From China) conquered the region to control positions for trade, introducing new ethnicities, influencing language, and spreading a new philosophy. The ethnic Chinese were introduced as rulers and settlers. They influenced language through cultural mixing, trade, and communication. Lastly, they *SINICIZED (To change beliefs/culture) Vietnam and purged their Folk Culture, replacing it with Confucianism, attempting to make the Vietnamese more lawful.
  • 200

    Missionaries Reach Vietnam

    Missionaries Reach Vietnam
    In the 200's C.E Buddhist *MISSIONARIES (People who spread Religions/Beliefs) reached Vietnam en route to China spreading Buddhist Beliefs. Buddhism slowly grew in Vietnam and replaced the ill-accepted Chinese Confucius beliefs. They also revived groups that practice *FOLK RELIGION (A culture often practiced by small, rural groups of people). This event is rumored to have caused instability and been key in the downfall of the Chinese occupation in 900 C.E.
  • French Colonize

    French Colonize
    In the late 1800’s the *IMPERIALIST (Spreading influence via aggression) French colonized the region to civilize the people, they introduced a new religion and created a written alphabet. During the period of colonization the French brought *CATHOLIC missionaries that spread Catholicism throughout the colony and developed a new *UNIVERSAL (Something accepted or understood by all) writing language called *QUOC-NGU which is deeply influenced by *LATIN as part of the "civilizing" process.
  • Today

    Today, Vietnam’s ethnic groups come from all over Asia, speak primarily one language, and practice many religions. The main ethnicities of Vietnam are the *KHIN,*KHMER, and the *HAN CHINESE. The people speak Vietnamese which is derived from the *MON-KHMER and *AFRO-ASIATIC families that are influenced by Chinese language and write in *QUOC-NGU. Vietnam’s main religions are *FOLK RELIGION, *BUDDHISM (Belief that good behavior is the path to *ENLIGHTENMENT), and *CATHOLICISM.