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The founder of nintendo He also influenced the making of electornic games in nintendo. -
Nintendo Makes electronic games
The color tv game 6 was nintendos first game system -
Mario Bros
the famous mario bros game was realaesd for the game systems -
Nintendo Famicon
the next system created was the nintendo famicon -
Super Mario Bros
next mario game realese -
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
became one of the most popular game systems in the world -
Super mario bros 2
the mario sereis continues with this game -
the reales of The Legend of Zelda
this is another popular nintendo series -
Game Boy
the first nintendo pocket game system -
Super Mario Bros 3
last major NES game to be sold -
Super Famicon (SNES)
the sequel to the famicon is here known as the SNES in America -
Nintendo 64
the next nintendo gaming sysyem -
Pokemon Red Green And Blue
This popular series was designed for the gameboy -
Pokemon Yellow Pikachu Edition release
This is a game boy color edition of the pokemon franchise featuring the famous pikachu -
The realese of the Game Boy Color
Another popular system created was the game boy color. It was like the game boy but it supported more games and multi colored games -
Game boy Pocket
A smaller version of the game boy -
Pokemon Gold and Silver
A Johto pokemon game wih tons of new pokemon this game was ralesed for the game boy color. -
Pokemon Crystal Version
Another Johto pokemon game featuring Suicune -
Game Boy Advance
The most advanced and final edition to the Game Boys realesed in the United States Today -
Nintendo Game Cube Console
the next console in nintendos games, it was very popular -
Pokemon Ruby And Saphire
A Hoenon region pokemon adventure. This new game for the gameboy advance was a poular sell. -
Fire Red Leaf Green
The Remakes of the original Pokemon Games. -
Nintendo DS
The most popular Nintendo device. It sold millions upon millions of copies. -
Pokemon Emerald
The most popular Game Boy game. It was also the last pokemon game to be realesd to the game boy advance. -
Nintendo Ds Lite
A updated verison of the Ds -
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
The generation 4 pokemon games were very popular. They were the first Pokemon games realsed for the DS -
The Nintendo Wii
The wii is a more recent Nintendo console that sold more than any console of its time. It was eventually outmatched by the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 -
Pokemon Platnium
The last generation 4 game and the mostpopular. it blew awy the competition of all the other generation 4 games. -
Nintedo DSi
The Last device able to play original Ds games. It comes with internet acess and a camera -
Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver
The gen 2 remakes of gold and silver. These games were the biggest and most anticipated pokemon games. -
Gen 5 Pokemon Black and White
The gen 5 games of pokemon were released with much anticipation. Gen 5 was the last pokemon series to be realesd on the DS. However the second games of black and white were realesd onto the ds. -
The Nintendo 3DS
The most recent form of the ds gaming system. It does have a less expensive counterpart named the 2DS. -
Pokemon Black 2 and White 2
The last pokemon games relased on the DS. This game was one of the least poular pokemon games ever. -
Nintendo Wii U
The most recent Nintendo gaming console today. It was the only gaming console able to play games at a 1080 rate which is to say HD. -
Pokemon X and Y
The much anticipated gen 6 game of pokemon was realesed onto the 3DS. -
Pokemon Alpha Saphire and Omega Ruby
The soon two be realesd 3rd gen pokemon game.