Creation of Nintendo
Nintendo's first item was playing cards -
Nintendo Entertainment System
First console in USA. -
One of most succesfull handheld devices. -
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Could use NES and SNES cartidges. -
Nintendo 64
Named for the 64-bit processer. -
Gameboy Color
Seconed Gameboy and came in color. -
Gameboy Advance
3rd gameboy. -
Pokemon Mini
Very small and light even with the batteries and cartridge in the system. -
Fisrt Nintendo console to use disks. -
Dual screen handheld device with one touch screen. -
GameBoy Micro
Last GameBoy. -
Nintendo DS Lite
Lighter then the first DS. -
A motion sensing console with disk games. -
Nintendo DSi
Has a online store. -
Nintendo DSi XL
Bigger then original DSi. -
Nintendo 3DS
You can see 3D without the glasses. -
Nintnedo 3DS XL
The 3DS but bigger. -
Wii U
Comes with a special game pad. -
Wii Mini
Very small Wii. -
Nintendo 2DS
Does not fold close like original Ds's.