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Nintendo Handheld Consoles

By grff
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    Game and Watch

    Nintendo's first ever handheld console. Only included one game.
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    Became the 2nd best selling handheld console. Got complaints of the screen being too hard to see in the dark.
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    Gameboy Pocket

    Essentially the smaller version of the Game Boy. It fixed the dark screen problem by adding an internal lamp.
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    Gameboy Color

    A revolutionary addition to the handheld consoles. A portable device where you could play games in color! Many game boy games were re-released with color to be played again.
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    Gameboy Advanced

    A more digital version of the game boy color. Graphics and design were better and you could play games made for the SNES on the go.
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    Gameboy Advanced SP

    A completly new design that allowed you to flip the console open and closed as well as a better screen quality.
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    Nintendo DS

    Yet again a new and revolutionary invention for handheld consoles. A dual-screen type design that allowed you t interact with the game in different ways as the bottom screen was a touch screen. You could still pay gameboy games on it and became the best selling handheld console.
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    Nintendo DSi

    New and improved version of he nintendo DS. Added a digital camera as well as a more slim design and a more durable battery life.
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    Nintendo 3DS

    With the unique feature to be able to play games in 3D without the necessity of glasses and its later releases, 3DS XL and 2DS it became the 5th best selling handheld console.
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    Nintendo Switch

    Both a handheld and a home console, the nintendo switch became a hybrid console and people were able to enjoy games in their TV screen as well as on the go. It was sold out during the Covid-19 breakout as more people started to purchase it due to the quarantine guidelines. It is the 6th best selling console. A cheaper version is the handheld exclusive nintendo switch light.