Tupac quotes 7

Nini Thach Vocab

By NiniT
  • Refurbished

    I named the car Vicky when the refurbished engine finally turned over for the first time.Carrie Mac (pg.16)
    Definition; enovate and redecorate (something, especially a building).
  • Brunt

    Definition - the worst part or chief impact of a specified thing. Bud,not buddy by Christopher Curtis
  • genuine

    Definition: truly what something is said to be; authentic. Sentence: "This knife is Genuine Solid twenty-four-karat silver." Bud not Buddy By Christopher Paul Curtis. pg.109
  • Welt

    Bud,not Buddy ; By:Christopher Paul Curtis Word: Welt
    definition : Striking someone.. like hitting them physically.
    And it left a big welt on his face. pg.164
  • Inherent.

    existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute. Dancer by Lori Hewett. pg 88. "I inherent-ed..."
  • Broadened

    Becoming larger in distance,side to side. Pg 89 , Lori Hewett, Dancer. "my eyes Broadened"
  • Heavyset

    I wouldn't call her fat ; her body looked firm in it's leotard and tights,but she definitively was heavyset.
    pg.154 Dancer , Lorri Hewett. Heavyset,Having a stocking or stout build.
  • Spew

    We both expected Mr.A to spew a bunch of psychobabble at us. Definition - Expel large quantities of (something) rapidly and forcibly. Thirteen R3asons why. pg.56
  • Backpedaled.

    reverse one's previous action or opinion. Pg.123 Thirteen Reasons Why. The look on my face must have expressed what i was thinking,because right away she Backpedaled.
  • nonincident

    "Even the best moments of the night were affected by that one incident by that nonincident in front my old house." Th1rteen r3ason Why. pg.206 An expense , an example : at what cost , or at what expense?
  • scarfing

    scarf something down. Sl. to eat something, perhaps in a hurry; to swallow something, perhaps in a hurry.
    Margret was scarfing down the left candy..
  • Blatant

    Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children.
    pg.13-49 Blatant - (of bad behavior) done openly and unashamedly.
  • petrified

    Miss Peregrine Home for Peculiar Children.
    pg.64 - pg.77 Definition - so frightened that one is unable to move; terrified.
  • Bog

    Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children. pg.127
    Definition - wet muddy ground too soft to support a heavy body.
  • cairn

    Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children. pg.127
    Definition - a small terrier of a breed with short legs, a longish body, and a shaggy coat.
  • slogged

    Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children. pg.127
    Definition - hit forcefully and typically wildly, especially in boxing.
  • Tact

    Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children.
    pg.136-181 Definition - adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues. ---but i knew this situation required some tact.
  • Spout

    Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children.
    pg. - 237
    Definition - express (one's views or ideas) in a lengthy, declamatory, and unreflecting way. "What's this nonsense he has been spouting"
  • Falter

    pg.272 "..-that her levitation would Falter..-"
    move unsteadily or in a way that shows lack of confidence.
    I faltered when I heard the unsteadily news.
  • Gradually

    Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children.
    Definition- In a slow but cautious manner.
    "I gradually took action when he still had the birds and wanted to hurt them."
  • Satchel

    pg.28 Definition - A handbag held by shoulder, often has a flap.
    "He didn't have a Satchel unlike some other parents or teacher."
  • captivating

    pg 59. definition -cable of attracting and holding interest; charming.
    She was an interesting and captivating ..
  • misogyny

    The Freedom Writer's Diary.
    Definition - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.
  • comrade

    The Freedom Writers.
    pg.? Definition - a companion who shares one's activities or is a fellow member of an organization.
  • Sterile

    free from bacteria or other living microorganisms; totally clean
    The room looks so sterile, as i look in disbelief.