The jackson endlist
Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, in the Waxhaw settlement, a community of Scotch-Irish immigrants along the border between North and
South Carolina. Though his birthplace is in dispute, he considered himself a South Carolina native. -
Jackson birth
On March 15,1767 Andrew Jackson was born. Jackson was born in his uncles house in waxhaws region. Also jacksons dad died 3 weeks before he was born.Something else was he had an erratic education through his life. -
battle of horseshoe bend
The Battle of Horseshoe Bend was fought on March 27, 1814. This battle was fought at the tip of the pennisula. Jackson had 2600 soilders fight in that battle. -
Battle of new orelens
The battle of New Orleans took place on January 8, 1815. It was final major battle of War Of 1812. Andrew Jackson commanded America’s side. The British wanted to invade and occupy New Orleans, the result was several British soldiers dead and few Americans dead. The battle of New Orleans was known as the greatest ground victory during the War of 1812. -
Election of 1828
26 Oct. 1824 The election of 1824 ended the Federalist-Republican political framework. No candidates ran as Federalist, but Five Democratic-Republicans competed against each other. -
Election of 1828
On october 31, 1828 Jackson ran for president of the united states. It was harsh for him because he gained most of the electoral votes but the house of represenitives did not want him of the president of the united states of america. -
Indian removal act
On May 28,1830 a law was passed that forced native americans to move west on the mississippi river. That way they were free from americans. Because of the act there were many wars between Natives and Americans. -
Worcester vs. Georgia
on March 3,1832 This is another supreme court case. Just like on Marbury vs. Madison. This case is about a man that worked at a shop and he got kicked out of his job he went stright to the people of court. -
Nullifaction crisis
On december 10, 1832 Jackson wanted to make a proclamation that was put to south carolina that to pass a fedral law it would have to be nullify by the goverment. -
Bank war
The first bank of the united states was made and then another bank was made. So that is how there became a bank war because of these two banks. And this happened on September 10, 1833.