Night Timeline

  • Vladeks Birth

    Baby Vladek is born into the world
  • Ellie wiesels birth

    Ellie is born in his town of sighet, transylvania
  • Hitler is appointed Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany and the Nazi party takes control of Germany's government. The first permanent concentration camp, Dachau, is established.
  • Anja

    Vladek meets his future wife anja
  • Nuremberg race laws

    Nuremberg Race Laws against Jews are decreed, depriving Jews of German citizenship.
  • SS names concentration camps

    The SS renames its units deployed at concentration camps the "Death's Head Units," later known as "Death's Head Battalions." Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler is appointed chief of the German Police. The summer Olympic games are hosted in Berlin.
  • Marriage

    Vladek gets married to his fiance anja
  • Anja to the hospital

    Vladek took Anja to the hospital in Czechoslovakia and on the way they saw a swastika in the middle of town. Anja was in the hospital for 3 months before she was healthy enough to return home.
  • Kristallnacht pogrom

    Kristallnacht (night of crystal, also known as the night of broken glass): a government-organized pogrom against Jews in Germany, Austria, and the Sudeten region of Czechoslovakia results in widespread destruction of synagogues, businesses, and homes and the loss of at least 91 lives in November.
  • Germany invasions

    In April, Britain and France guarantee the integrity of Poland's borders after Hitler violates Munich Agreement of 1938 by invading and dismembering Czechoslovakia. In September, Germany invades Poland, starting World War II in Europe. In response, Great Britain, France, and the British Dominions declare war on Germany. In November, the first ghetto is established in Piotrków, Poland. Jews in parts of occupied Poland are forced to wear armbands bearing the Star of David for identification.
  • Vladek drafted

    Vladek recieves a letter and is notified that he is derafted into the polish army.
  • Relocation

    Vladek got released. He was able to go home to his family. Richieu was now 2 years old.
  • German alliances

    In spring, Germans conquer Denmark, Norway, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands; Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister. In May, Auschwitz concentration camp is established near the Polish city Oswiecim. Italy declares war on Britain and France in June. In August, at German and Italian arbitration, Romania is compelled to cede northern Transylvania, including Sighet, to Hungary. In autumn, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia join the German-Italian alliance, called the Axi
  • Attacks on soviet union

    Nazi Germany attacks the Soviet Union on June 22. The British and the Soviets sign a Mutual Assistance agreement. On July 31 Nazi Security Police chief Reinhard Heydrich is given authorization to plan and coordinate a "total" and "final" solution of the "Jewish Question." Construction of Auschwitz-Birkenau camp (Auschwitz II) begins in autumn. The US enters World War II on December 8, a day after Germany's Axis partner, Japan, attacks the US Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. On December 8, the
  • Jews in sosnowiec moved into ghettos

    Jews are hung as an exapmle of bad behavior, tHEY ARE THEN MOVED INTO GHETTOS
  • Ellie meets moishe the beadle

    in late december ellie meets a outcast named moishe the beadle in his homwtown of sighet.
  • Wannsee confrence

    The Wannsee Conference held in Berlin in January in Berlin ensures the full cooperation of all state, Nazi Party, and SS agencies in implementing "the Final Solution"—a plan to murder the European Jews—under the coordination of the SS and police.
  • Moishe escapes!

    Moishe the beadle escapes the gustapo slaughter and warns his fellow jews
  • Anjas parents killed

    Vans came. her parents were crying.. they were killed
  • Aushwitz for anja and vladek

    Vladek and anja are reunited at the concentration camp.
  • Jews forced out of homes in sighet

    All Sighet Jews are forced from their homes and told to line up in the street at 8 A.M. At 1 P.M.
  • Ellies family is deported

    Elliezer and his family now are taken by train to a concentration camp.
  • Ellie and his father arive

    Ellie and his father arrive at birchenau and are sent to auschwitz
  • Ellies surgery on foot

    Ellies foot has to have an operation on it before things get worse and he would have to get it amputated.
  • March to new camp.

    The jews have to run for crazy distances non stop until they reach their new camp.
  • liberation of aushwitz

    Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz on January 27. US troops liberate Buchenwald on April 11. Germany surrenders on May 7; World War II in Europe ends on May 8. On September 2, the Pacific War ends with the surrender of Japan after the US drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August. World War II is over. The United Nations is founded. Establishment of International Military Tribunal in August. On November 20, the trial of the top Nazi leaders begins in Nuremberg under the auspices o
  • Father kicks the bucket

    ellies fahter dies in his bunk in buchenwald
  • Ellie is free!

    Ellie is at the buchenwald concentration camp and is liberated by u.s. troops.
  • Israel Created

    The State of Israel is created. On May 14, 1948, the last British forces withdraw from Palestine and the State of Israel is established in accordance with the United Nations Partition Plan that proposed the partition of Palestine into two states, an Arab state and a Jewish state.
  • Vladeks death

    Vladek dies of a heart attack