
Night by Elie Wiesel

  • Life Before the Camps

    Life Before the Camps
    Eliezer and his family lived in town named Sighet. His father was highly respected and his family was fairly wealthy. They didn't have a very hard life before the camps.
    This is important to the story because it sets up for what is to come in the book and what their life was like before the holocast.
  • Period: to

    Night by Elie Wiesel

  • Deportation

    To get away from the Russian front, the Hungarian police had come to their town to take away all of the jews. Groups by groups they took away all of the jews into wagons and cars. No one knew where they were going, but they had to follow orders or they would be shot or beaten. Slowly the town emptied out with no one left.
    This is important to the story because this is where everything started changing and from then on nothing would ever be the same for any jew in this time.
  • Auschwitz

    After a long ride there with limited water and food they arrived at their first concentration camp, Auschwitz. They first had to go through the reception center called Birkenau and were later marched to Auschwitz. Eliezer and his father stayed at this camp for 3 weeks. They were stripped of their clothes, had to give up all personal possesions, and were given haircuts.
    This is a major event because this was the first time they had seen a camp and still had no idea what happening to them.
  • Split Apart

    Split Apart
    Shortly after they arrived in Auschwitzs the SS army anounced that all men and women are being split up. Eliezer and his family were in suddenly in a sudden panic. His father and himself were seperated from his mother and 2 sisters.
    This was an important event because this would be the last time Eliezer saw his mother and sisters.
  • Buna

    One day they were being transfered from Auschwitz. They slowly walked through the German towns and for 4 long hours they continued. At the end of their journey they reached Buna. Everyone was reexamined and they continued to work. Fortunately Eliezer and his father were put in a work place that was a small warehouse.
    This was important because they were luckier than most people when they went to Buna. These little things are what kept them alive.
  • Mistake

    During Eliezers living at Buna, he had caught his boss doing inappropriate things and was then punished for not minding his own buisness. He was wipped 25 times infront of all people.
    This was important to the story because it showed how cruel the people at the camps were. They showed no mercy for anyone and didn't mind harassing people to get what they wanted.
  • Reevaluated

    They were reevaluated and if they were selected they could not continue on. Both Eliezer and his father made it through with luck. Eliezer feared for his father because of how weak he had become.
    This event determined if they were to stay behind or be able to keep fighitng another day, This was important for Eliezer so that he wouldn't have to leave his dad behind.
  • Never Ending Road

    Never Ending Road
    They left Buna a few weeks later. They began their march to somewhere new, they didn't know where. It stated as a fast march, but were then forced to run. If you stopped you were shot and many people died from not being able to go on. It snowed relentlessly with no breaks. They stopped to sleep, but most of the people never woke up when the fell asleep.
  • Gleiwitz to Buchenwald

    Gleiwitz to Buchenwald
    They finally reached Gleiwitz and stayed there for 3 days without any food or drinks. They then left and marched into an open field to catch a train. Trying not to die from hypothermia they all huddled together on the train. They would stop every few hours and dispose of the dead to make the train less crowded. They then made it to Buchenwald when only the living could leave.
  • Fathers Death

    Fathers Death
    No longer able to move on, Eliezer's father was helpless only able to lay in bed. Eliezer gave him his food rations and tried to keep him alive. Men came in and beat him to death while Eliezer watched not able to do anything. After his father died he no longer had a reason to live.