
  • Moishe grieving

    Moishe grieving
    "They think I'm mad,' he whispered, and tears, like drops of wax, flowed from his eyes.- Moishe the Beadle Chap. 1 pg. 7
  • Moishe the Beadle praying to God

    Moishe the Beadle praying to God
    "I pray to the God within me for the strength to ask Him the real questions."- Moishe the Beadle Chap. 1 pg. 5
  • Red army propaganda spreads

    Red army propaganda spreads
    "The Red Army is advancing with giant strides...Hitler won't be able to harm us, even if he wants to..."- Chap. 1 pg. 8
  • Jews celebrate

    Jews celebrate
    "We drank, we ate, we sang. The Bible commands us to rejoice during the eight days of celebration, but our hearts were'nt in it."- Elie Chap. 1 pg. 11
  • Yellow Star

    Yellow Star
    "The yellow star? So what? It's not lethal.."- Chap. 1 pg. 11
  • Jews being transported out of ghetto

    Jews being transported out of ghetto
    " On everyone's back, there was a sack. In everyone's eyes, tears and distress. Slowly, heavily, the procession advanced toward the gate of the ghettp."- Chap. 1 pg. 17
  • Jews being put into cattle cars

    Jews being put into cattle cars
    "The Hungarian police made us climb into the cars, eighty persons in each one."- Chap. pg. 17
  • Mrs. Shacter sees a fire

    Mrs. Shacter sees a fire
    "Fire! I see a fire! I see a fire!"- Chap. 2. pg. 24
  • Chimney is scorching with fire

    Chimney is scorching with fire
    "And as the train stopped, this time we saw flames rising from a tall chimney into a black sky."- Chap. 2 pg. 28
  • Barber cuts off hair

    Barber cuts off hair
    "Their clippers tore out our hair, shaved every hair on our bodies."- Chap. 3 pg. 35