Book night


  • Period: to

    Time Span

  • Elie is born.

    Elie is born.
    Elie is born.
  • The Nazi part takes power in Germany

    The Nazi part takes power in Germany
    The Nazi party takes power in Germany, Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor, or prime minister, of Germany. Nazis 'temporarily" suspend civil liberties for all citizens. They are never restored. The Nazis set up the first concentration camp at Dachau. The first inmates are two hundred Communists. Books contrary to Nazi beliefs are burned in public.
  • Hitler becomes the leader of Germany

    Hitler becomes the leader of Germany
    Hitler combines the positions of chancellor and president to become "Fuhrer", or leader, of Germany.
  • Jews are deprived of rights

    Jews are deprived of rights
    Jews in Germany are deprived of citizenship and other fundamental rights. The Nazis intensify persecution of political dissidents and other considered "racially inferior" including "Gypsies", Jehovahs Witnesses, and homosexuals. Many are sent to concentration camps.
  • The Olympic games are held in Germany

    The Olympic games are held in Germany
    The Olympic games are held in Germany; signs barring Jews from pubic places are removed until the event is over
  • Germany takes over neighboring countries

    Germany takes over neighboring countries
    In March, Germany takes over a neighboring nation, Czechoslovakia. On September 1, Germany invades Poland. World War ll begins in Europe. Hitler orders the systematic murder of the mentally and physically disabled in Germany and Austria. Polish Jews were ordered to register and relocate. They were also required to wear armbands or yellow stars.
  • Jews were deported to Poland; Germany conquers more nations

    Jews were deported to Poland; Germany conquers more nations
    Nazis began deporting German Jews to Poland. Jews were forced into ghettos. Germany conquers one nation after another in Western Europe including the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France.
  • Germany continues conquer; The mass killing of Jews continues

    Germany continues conquer; The mass killing of Jews continues
    Germany attacks the Soviet Union. Jews throughout Europe are forced into ghettos and internment camps. Mobile killing units begin the systematic slaughter of Jews. In two days, on eof those units was responsible for the murder of 33,771 Ukrainian Jews at Babi Yar--the largest single massarce of the Holocaust. The first death camp at Chelmno in Poland begins operations. Germany, as an ally of Japan, declares war on the United States immediately after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
  • Final Solution

    Final Solution
    At the Wannsee Conference, Nazi officers turn over their plan to kill all European Jews (Final Solution) to the bureaucracy. Five more death camps begin operation in Poland. The ghettos of Eastern Europe are emptied as thousands of Jews are shipped to death camps. The United States, Britian, and the Soviet Union acknowledge the murdering of the jews in Europe.
  • About 80 to 85 percent

    About 80 to 85 percent
    About 80 to 85 percent of the Jews who would have died in the Holocaust have already perished.
  • Jews are deported to Auschwitz

    Jews are deported to Auschwitz
    Hitler occupies Hungary; by June, the Germans are deporting twelve thousand Hungarian Jews a day to Auschwitz.
  • Elie and his family are deported.

    Elie and his family are deported.
    Elie and his family are deported from Sighet to Aushwitz.
  • Liberation begins and WW2 ends

    Liberation begins and WW2 ends
    As the Russian army pushes west, the Nazis begin to evacuate death camps, including Auschwitz.American forces liberate the prisoners in Buchenwald. WW2 ends in Europe with Hitlers defeat. The holocaust is over; about 1/3 of all the Jews in the world are murdered and the survivors are homeless.
  • Elie and his father are deported to Buchenwald.

    Elie and his father are deported to Buchenwald.
    Elie and his father were evacuated from Auschwitz and were deported to Buchenwald.
  • Ellie's father dies

    Ellie's father dies
    Ellie's father dies at Buchenwald.
  • Ellie is liberated from Buchenwald.

    Ellie is liberated from Buchenwald.
    Ellie is liberated from Buchenwald.
  • International Military Tribunal

    International Military Tribunal
    An International Military Tribunal is created by Britian, France and the US, and the Soviet Union tries Nazi leaders for war crimes and crimes agaisnt humanity in Nuremberg