
Nigerian Revolution

By MicahM
  • Nigeria Under British Sphere of Influence

    Nigeria Under British Sphere of Influence
    After the Napoleonic Wars Europes influence in Africa expanded and Nigeria fell into the British sphere of influence.
  • British Gov't Officially Rules Nigeria

    British Gov't Officially Rules Nigeria
    THe British Niger Company grew in influence and the British gov't officially took control.
  • Official British Protectorate

    Official British Protectorate
    AFter Britan took control of Nigeria it became officially under British rule. Shortly after, in 1901, it was not only governed by but protected by Britan.
  • Nigeria Divided

    Nigeria Divided
    For political purposes Nigeria was split into North, South, and Lagos Colonies. The westernized education in the south progressed nuch faster than the other two, effecting polotics to this day.
  • Transfer of Power Begins

    Transfer of Power Begins
    Britan began to trasfer some governing power to Nigeria and it began to completly self govern in 1954, however it was still a British Protectorate Colony.
  • Britan Agrees to Complete Self Gov't

    Britan Agrees to Complete Self Gov't
    After gradural withdraw Britan agreed to allow Nigeria to be completly autonomous in every way. It would take two years for Nigeria to be fully independant.
  • Official Independance

    Official Independance
    British influence and protection is withdrawn, leaving nigeria with three autonomous, democratic, self-ruling colonies.
  • Nigeria Unified

    Nigeria Unified
    Nigeria's three parts are unified into one central gov't. THe gov't was put in place by Brtitan and was very similar to the British gov't, with a parliment and leaders of the two houses.