Niels Henrik Bohr was born on the 7th of October in the capital of Copenhagen, Denmark -
Early Education
Niels Bohr Attended the Gammelholm Latin School at the age of seven. -
University Studies
Niels Bohr enrolled as an undergraduate at the University of Copenhagen with a major in physics. At the same time, he studied astronomy, mathematics, and philosophy. -
Bohr meets Margrethe Nørlund
Niels Bohr Met Margrethe Nørlund, sister of mathematician Niels Erik Nørlund. Both Niels Bohr and Margrethe marry some years later. -
The Trilogy
Niels Bohr Publishes "The Trilogy" in the "Philosophical Magazine" in 1913. In the Trilogy, Bohr analyses quantum physics, and gives a description of the structure of the atom, combining various characteristics from previous atomic models. Bohr, N.(1913) 'I. On the constitution of atoms and molecules', Philosophical Magazine Series 6, 26: 151,
1 — 25. Link text -
The Trilogy cont.
Niels Bohr was successfully able to break down the atom verbally and describe each segment and its subsequent functions, giving birth to the Rutherford-Bohr Model of the atom. This depiction of the atom was in part realized from Max Planck's quantum theory, and Rutherford's nuclear structure. -
Institute of Physics
Niels Bohr campaigned to establish a Institute of Theoretical Physics in Denmark. He was able to receive funding and establish the Institute of Physics. now named after his likeness, the Niels Bohr Institute of Physics was the center of quantum mechanic studies accruing many notable theoretical physicists to conduct themselves within the walls of the Institute. -
Niels' Prediction of Hafnium
Bohr with more truth found in his nuclear model, claimed that the then undiscovered element 72 was not a rare-earth element, but an element that had the same chemical properties as element 40 (zirconium). A search was made for samples of zirconium properties in the Copenhagen Museum of Mineralogy, and the element was soon found. Hafnium, named after the Latin word for Copenhagen was discovered and found to be more common than gold -
Nobel Prize
Niels Bohr received a Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them" (Bohr. 1985). Bohr, Niels. "Nobel Prize Lecture: The Structure of the Atom (excerpts)" French, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1985. Link text -
Bohr Proves Light is Both Wave and Particle
Bohr convinced that light shares a duality between particle and wave, conducted a series of experiments that successfully proved the de Broglie hypotheses. He then formed the principle of complementarity based on his findings. -
Bohr-Einstein Debates
Bohr and Einstein held good mannered debates on their views of quantum mechanics. Bohr not satisfied with understanding certain complexities citing a "closer investigation" being required. Einstein more preferring an application of classical physics rather than the problematic outcomes of new physics. -
Bohr Offers Jobs to Refugees of Nazism
Following the popularity of Nazism in Europe, many Jews or outspoken individuals were displaced from there home. Niels Bohr offered some of these people temporary jobs at the Institute of Physics. -
Bohr and Heisenberg Debate Uranium-235 Weaponry
Weiner Heisenberg visited Bohr in Copenhagen, both of them shared a private moment discussing Uranium bombs and the morality of application. Bohr abruptly ended the debate without sharing his thoughts on the matter. -
Bohr Flees to Sweden Following WWII
Niels Bohr considered to be Jewish by his mothers affiliation, fled by ship to neutral Sweden. Urging King Gustaf V of Sweden to allow more Danish Jews to seek refuge. -
Niels Bohr Returns to Copenhagen
Niels Bohr returns to Copenhagen, Denmark following the end of WWII -
Niels Bohr died in his home in Copenhagen due to heart failure.