Karl Popper Timeline (July 28 1902 - September 17 1994)

  • Karl Popper Born

    Karl Popper Born
    This is the day Karl Popper was Born
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    Karl Popper Early Life

    Popper was born in Vienna in the year 1902 and was raised with an interest in philosophy as well as classical literature and politics due to his fathers interest in said subjects which accrued in a personal library that he owned, which would later be given to Popper.
  • University of Vienna

    University of Vienna
    Start attending as guest student at University of Vienna
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    Poppers Education

    At 16, Popper started attending the University of Vienna as a guest student for the subjects of philosophy, psychology, and mathematics, only becoming an official student in the year 1922. By 1925 he had switched to a different school called Pädagogisches Institut to finish his education in Psychology and Philosophy, finally graduating with a doctorate in psychology in the year 1928.
  • Graduation

    Graduate with doctorate of psychology from Pädagogisches Institut
  • Falsifiability

    One of the major points and contributions Popper made was his idea of falsifiability, which he published in his work "The Logic of Scientific Discovery". Simply, it was the idea that a scientific theory had to be falsifiable to hold significance, as something that was not, in his view, was pseudo-science. Much of these ideas came from observing the works of Sigmund Freud, who he viewed as a practitioner of pseudo-science, and Albert Einstein. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X8Xfl0JdTQ]
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    Poppers Teaching Career

    Poppers career as a teacher started in 1937 when he started lecturing philosophy in New Zealand. During his time here he started his work into publishing his ideas and works, such as The Open Society and Its Enemies. He then worked at a few other schools, in 1946 being at the London school of Economics and in 1949 at the University of London.
  • English revision

    English revision
    In 1959 Popper actually rewrote "The Logic of Scientific Discovery" in English, from its original language of German.
  • Karl Poppers Death

    Karl Poppers Death
    Karl Popper passed away