Niels Bohr born October 7, 1885. died November 18, 1962

By AdamWS
  • Education

    Niel Bohr enrolled at the university of Copenhagen in 1903, he studied in the field of physics he obtained his doctorate in 1911 with a dissertation on the electron theory of metals.
  • The Bohr Atomic model

    One of Niels Bohrs initial contributions to the field of Quantum physics was the Bohr atomic model which shows that electrons can only occupy particular orbits determined by the quantum of action and that electromagnetic radiation from an atom only occured when an electron jumped to a lower-energy orbit.
  • Nobel peace prize

    In the year 1913 after his accomplished work on the Bohr atomic model, Niels Bohr set out to apply his principle models to the advanced understanding of the periodic table. He accomplished this by adding one electron one after another one after another to the atom according to his atomic model. He later went of to receive the Nobel Prize for his work in 1922
  • Nuclear physics

    Niels Bohr utilized his knowledge in quantum physics and his fund-raising ability when he decided to move from just studying an atom to studying its nucleus. He and his partners applied for permission to build a cyclotron which was a form of a hadron collider in order to study the nucleus of an atom and enhance their understanding of the structure and capabilities of the atom within quantum physics
  • The Atomic bomb

    Upon the discovery of fission and the ability to harness it into an immense weapon of catastrophic devastation Bohr tried his utmost to keep away from any projects that were busy attempting to create an atomic bomb. WWII was current and every country involved was jumping into the field of nuclear physics in light of the nuclear arms race. Bohr resisted and seen that such technology should never be used in such a way
  • Open world

    Despite being thrown out of his own country Bohr continued to push for a world without Atomic weapons, even going as far as gaining interviews with prime minister Winston Churchill and president Franklin Roosevelt however neither of them agreed with the platform of peace and Churchill even suspected Bohr of being a Russian spy. Bohr was allowed to return home only after the atomic bombs were dropped on japan and he was hailed as the hero who invented to Atomic bomb.
  • works cited

    Aaserud, Finn. “Niels Bohr.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 3 Jan. 2019,