Niels bohr

Niels Bohr Born Oct 7 1885 Died Nov 18 1962

By 4004594
  • Niels Bohr 1913 paper

    Niels Bohr 1913 paper
    Niels Bohr in July of 1913 had a paper published in the Philosophical Magazine that was building on the work of Ernest Rutherford's model of the atom. Rutherford developed his model following his 1909 gold foil experiment. Niels Bohr expanded on Rutherford and helped to explain and expand on how electrons can change their orbit around the nucleus of an atom. Niels Bohr's work starting with the 1913 paper culminated with a Nobel prize in 1922.
  • Niels Bohr 1913 paper #2

    Within Bohr’s paper his theoretical work on the structure of an atom not only lead to the Nobel prize but also helped to bring Bohr into the Manhattan project to help the United States to develop the Atomic bomb as well as to the devolvement of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion used in nuclear power plants used around the world.
  • #3

    These developments were all made possible because of the theories and work not only by Niels Bohr but by people who studied his theories and proceeded forward with their own studies. Niels Bohr’s paper from 1913 was and integral part of theoretical physics as well as the assisting in ending world war two, bringing about the cold war, and advancing man kind with regards to power. Power not only here on earth but also used for spacecraft helping us to explore the galaxy.
  • bibliography