Niels bohr

Niels Bohr 7 October 1885 - 18 November 1962

  • Birthdate

  • The Bohr Atomic Model

    The Bohr Atomic Model
    Niel Bohrs first contribution to quantum physics was his atomic model. He had the idea that electrons could only occupy particular orbits. Also, when an electron jumped to a lower-energy orbit it caused electromagnetic radiation. It started when he noticed the spectral line series emitted by hydrogen.(Aaserud, Finn. “Niels Bohr - Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 2019,
  • Liquid Drop Model

    Liquid Drop Model
    According to this model, the nucleus is a spherical shape just like a droplet of water due to symmetrical surface tension. Just like a water droplet can be split so can atoms. This was the model Bohr used to show how nuclear fission worked.
    (Sanjana. “Liquid Drop Model.” Biyani Group of Colleges, 27 Aug. 2016, Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.)
  • The Manhattan Project

    The Manhattan Project
    Bohr worked as a consultant on a secret project from the United States Government called the Manhattan Project. He left Denmark to escape the German occupation during WW2. This project was to create the atomic bomb. His knowledge of nuclear fission and research of atoms is what led to his consulting status but, he was an advocate for peaceful applications of nuclear energy.(“Niels Bohr - Nuclear Museum.” Https://,
  • Death