Niels bohr

Niels Bohr

By Amore12
  • Atomic Model

    Atomic Model
    Bohr propsed a theory for hydrogen atoms based on the Quantum theory. He explained why atoms only emit fixed wavelengths. He explained how electrons were to drop to a lower energy orbit, the electrons that were removed is sent out as electromagnetic radiation.
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    Noble Peace Prize

    In 1920, Bohr created a scheme to build up the periodic table by the addition of electrons one after another using his atomic model. in 1922, he won the Noble Peace Prize for his works. Around this time, George Hevesy and Dirk Coster were working at Bohr's institution where they said that element 72 would behave like Bohr's theory, which it did. This proved the strength and accuracy of Bohr's theory.
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    Study of the Nucleus

    Bohr wanted to shift his studies to the nucleus. Hevesy, August Krogh, and himself applied for support in building a cyclotron. This cyclotron was originally for studying the nucleus, but it could also produce isotopes. Bohr was in the United States when a race to confirm nuclear fission was going on. At Princeton University, Bohr and John Wheeler did work to explain fission theoretically .
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    The Atomic Bomb

    Bohr was aware of the possibility of making an atomic bomb nut didn't want to attempt knowing the difficulties. In 1943, James Chadwick invited Bohr to join him in England to work on the atomic bomb. He denied this invitation and went on to Denmark. He was then invited again and accepted the invitation. He joined the Allied project and made significant technical contributions to the design. The atomic bomb was dropped on Japan in August 1945.