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Lifetime of Niels Bohr
The Bohr Model of the Atom
Bohr publishes the last paper of "the trilogy" adapting Rutherford's structure to quantum theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhAn8xZQ-d8 -
Principle of Complementarity
Bohr conducts experiments that confirm that matter also behaved like waves and that matter could have apparently mutually exclusive properties. In this case electrons could be seen as waves and particles depending on experimental framework. -
Liquid Drop Model of the Nucleus
Bohr invents a new way of thinking about the nucleus to explain how neutrons are captured by the nucleus. -
The Mechanism of Nuclear Fission is Published
Bohr publishes a paper on the uranium-235 isotope and it's involvement in fission. -
Impact on Philosophy
In reference to quantum mechanics Bohr said, that there was, "no quantum world" but only an "abstract quantum physical description." Bohr thought of atoms as real but thought that the formulation of quantum mechanics was not a description of reality but a representation of what was actually there. It isn't clear if he thought quantum mechanics had a real existing object though it affected things at the atomic level. -
Published Works of Bohr
Bohr, Niels. The Theory of Spectra and Atomic Constitution; three essays. Cambridge University Press, 1922. Bohr, Niels. Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge. Wiley, 1958. Bohr, Niels. Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature. Ox Bow Press, 1934. Bohr, Niels. Essays 1958-1962 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge. Ox Bow Press, 1963