Niels Bohr 10/07/1885 - 11/18/1962

  • Advent of the Bohr’s Model

    Niels Bohr studies the works of Ernest Rutherford and Max Planck. Utilizing both scientist’ models to create the ‘Bohr’s Model’ to this day the most widely accepted version of the structure of an atom. (Bohr)
  • Niels Bohr awarded Nobel Prize

    Bohr was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics during the year 1922. For his revolutionary work on the model of the atom. (Bohr)
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    Further contributions to atomic understanding

    During the years 1933 until his death in 1962, Bohr continued his atomic journey. An example is his ‘liquid droplet theory’. Which “permitted the understanding of the mechanism of nuclear fission” (Bohr). Another example is his elucidation of certain issues in quantum physics. Referred to as the “concept of complementarity”, it describes how changes in physics have affected the way we view the world. (Bohr)
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    Bohr’s contributions to Peace and the Atom

    After escaping Denmark to Sweden during WWII Bohr continued his work on the Atom. He would for the rest of his days, fight for the freedom of the atom after he had helped to use it as a weapon. From 1943 to 1945 he assisted the American government with ‘Project Manhattan’ (Atomic Heritage Foundation). However in 1950 he went on to pen a letter to the United Nations, calling for “openness” between nations (Bohr). Then, in 1955 he held an “Atoms for Peace” conference in Geneva, Switzerland (Bohr).
  • Citations

    Citation 1
    Niels Bohr – Biographical. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2023. Sun. 4 Jun 2023. Citation 2
    Atomic Heritage Foundation . (2022). Niels Bohr. Nuclear Museum.’s%20nuclear%20structure,the%20structure%20of%20an%20atom.