Nick J. Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone

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    Pages 1-10

    This part of the book was about introducing the Dursleys. Mr. and Mrs dursley are the normal modern family with no strange things about them unlike Mrs. Dursleys Sister and her family. Mr. Dursley encounters some very strange happenings throughout his day that really shook him up.
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    Pages 11-25

    The Dursleys woke up and found there nephew Harry on their doorstep. Growing up Harry was forced to sleep in the the closet beneath their stair case because he was not treated as well as their son Dudley, they didnt even celebrate his birthday. Harry even had to wear old rattty clothes of Dudley.
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    Pages 26-60

    Harry started to recieve strange letters that were very specific to him but Mr. Dursley kept taking them from harry not letting see what they said or who they were from. Everyday more and more letter started to come until it drove Mr. Dursley mad and he loaded them up and drove to a hotel outside the city where over a hundred letters were delvired there too, until Mr Dursley took them to a old hut that sits on a rock out at sea. then a large man name Hagrid tells Harry his whole past.
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    Pages 61-71

    Harry awoke the next morning thinking that everything that happened the night before was a dream until he saw hagrid asleep on the couch. they got up and headednto the city where they were getting strange looks since Hagrid is so big. They finally reached this old pub which only they could see and as they walked in Harry was getting all kinds of attention because he is so famous in the wizard world.
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    Pages 72-87

    Harry And Hagrid made their way through diagon alley headed for Gringots. When they got there they taken down into the depths as they arrived at harrys vault Harry was shocked with how much money his parents had for him. They also stopped at another vault to pick up a small odd shaped package for Dumbledore that Hagrid coudn't tell Harry about. They Then left to get all of Harrys school supplies where he met a Draco Malfoy who he didnt like very much. Harry is now on his way back to the dursleys
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    Pages 88-98

    It was now time for harry to leave the Dursleys and begin his studies at Hogwarts. He talked to the Dursleys into the giving him a ride to kings cross station when they left them there thinking that there was no such thing as platform nine and thrre quarters
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    Pages 99-106

    Harry got to the platform with the Weasleys help of how to get to it. He got on the train and found a empty compartmentand loaded his trunk and the rest of his things in and was ;ater joined by Ron Weasley.
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    Pages 107-143

    Harry arrvived at school and they were taking by small row boats who rowed them themselves took them across the lake to the school itself. They immediatley were taken to dinner and placed in their houses. Harry and Ron were put into Gryffendor.
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    Harry had gotten the nimbus 2000 broom stick in the mail by an anonamous person. Harry and his began to learn to fly when harry got his broom while his teacher was gone to chase after Nevels rememberal after Malfoy through it. He was then taken by Professor Mgonagall to learn how to play quiditch because he was a natural.
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    Over the hollidays Harry and Ron stayed at school because Ron couldnt afford to go home and Harry had no real family to go to. Ron had taught harry to play wizards chess.