
By ljacoby
  • 1565

    The first Spanish settlement is established

    The first Spanish settlement is established
    The first permanent Spanish settlement is established in St. Augustine.
  • The Roanoke Colony disappears

    The Roanoke Colony disappears
    The Roanoke Colony mysteriously disappears. The colony was later nick-named "The Lost Colony".
  • Jamestown is established

    Jamestown is established
    America's first permanent colony, Jamestown, is established.
  • Pocahontas marries John Rolfe

    Pocahontas marries John Rolfe
    John Rolfe marries Chief Powhatan's daughter, Pocahontas.
  • The House of Burgesses is formed

    The House of Burgesses is formed
    The House of Burgesses is formed in Jamestown.
  • The Plymouth Colony is formed

    The Plymouth Colony is formed
    The Europeans traveled on the Mayflower from Europe to the "New World". here they created the "Plymouth Colony".
  • The First Thanksgiving

    The First Thanksgiving
    The First Europeans celebrate the "First Thanksgiving" with the Indians.
  • The Pennsylvania Colony is established

    The Pennsylvania Colony is established
    William Penn claims land in the New World and names it Pennsylvania.
  • New Jersey is founded

    New Jersey is founded
    New Jersey is founded by England.
  • North Carolina is founded

    North Carolina is founded
    North Carolina is founded in 1710 by the English.