Nicaragua Timeline

  • Rise of Santos Zelaya

    Rise of Santos Zelaya
    As a leader, Zelaya promoted foreign investment on Nicaragua. He increased the exports of coffee and banana and promoted modernism. He built infrastructure such as railroads, schools, and government buildings. He invaded Honduras and overthrew their government and attempted to start a revolution in El Salvador The origin of this source is from Britannica School Sources was written in 2014 as an E-Book.
  • The creation of the National Guard

    The creation of the National Guard
    The National Guard was created by the United States in attempts to remove their troops from Nicaragua. This was due to the increase of popularity of the ideals of isolationism. The creation of the National Guard and the withdrawal of troops led to chaos and political rivalries.
    The national guard costed over 600 thousand dollars for the United States!
    The source is a primary source treaty between the US and Nicaragua.
  • Rise of Augusto Cesar Sandino

    Rise of Augusto Cesar Sandino
    Through the struggle in Nicaragua between the conservatives and liberals, Augusto Cesar Sandino rose to power. He turned against the US. He went around the country and led a force engaging in guerrilla warfare in remote rural areas. "Sandino, Augusto César." Hutchinson Encyclopedia. 2011. eLibrary. Web. 19 Jan. 2017.
    This source, located in an encyclopedia, written in 2011, states that the National Guard Leader Somoza, gave orders to murder Sandino during a "peace" meeting. Supported Liberals
  • Withdrawal of troops in Nicaragua

    Withdrawal of troops in Nicaragua
    President Herbert Hoover decided to withdraw all troops and marines from Nicaragua. This was significant because it allowed Garcia to gain power on the down low
    The US withdrew troops was due to the big cost of keeping the troops in Nicaragua. Money was scarce due to teh Great Depression
    This source is a compilation of primary sources from the history of Nicaragua's political instability.
  • The assassination of Sandino and increase of power of Garcia

    The assassination of Sandino and increase of power of Garcia
    Sandino assigned Garcia as the leader of the National Guard. This led to Garcia to accumulate power. Once he had enough, Garcia executed Sandino and forced his uncle to resign.
    This source is a Colombian encyclopedia, a secondary source that has no particular bias and gives simple timeline information about Nicaraguan history.
    Garcia also executed hundreds of guerrilla fighters from Sandino's tenure and got rid of anyone who stood in his way.
  • The overtake of Bautista and the rise of Garcia

    The overtake of Bautista and the rise of Garcia
    Garcia controlled more national affairs and began a four decade dynasty. Maintained power by changing roles to gain different support groups. He controlled the country's economy and nationalized cattle ranches and coffee plantations.
    This source is from the Library of Congress, a very respectable and prestigious domain.
    Garcia used 3 main sources to stay in power: Owning Nicaraguan economy, military support, and US support.
  • Formation of Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN)

    Formation of Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN)
    A group formed based on the ideals of Sandino, it challenged the National Guard through the 1970s. FSLN members (five junta) assumed power and inherited a country in ruins.
    This source is from the Library of Congress, a very respectable and prestigious domain.
    Built based on peasants and students. Founded by Jose Fonseca Amador and others, began in the University of Nicaragua by students to go against military ideals.
  • Rise of Anastasio Debayle

    Rise of Anastasio Debayle
    After his brother died of a heart attack, Luis became the leader. He increased political repression and it led to an increased opposition towards Debayle's government.
    This is a secondary source, a blog of Nicaraguan history in general. Good because of the different perspectives available.
    Anastasio was hated and thought to be a dictator, eventually leading to a strong revolution against him.
  • Rise of Luis Somoza Debayle

    Rise of Luis Somoza Debayle
    Garcia's older son, Debayle took over as leader of Nicaragua. Had a liberalization ideal like Garcia did. Debayle soon dies due to poor health and gives to rise to his younger brother, Anastasio Debayle to become the new leader.
    This source is a book analysis written about the betrayals of the different leaders in Nicaraguan history. (Secondary source)
    Debayle had a very similar idea of Democracy like the United States
  • Nicaragua Earthquake

    Nicaragua Earthquake
    This earthquake destroyed Managua. This was significant because it created more chaos in the country. National Guard members looted the city and lead political figures to support the opposite side. (Conservatives) This earthquake lead to a big economic decline.
    This earthquake was the most lethal earthquake in the western hemisphere above Latin America. Magnitude of 6.2!
    This source was taken from the USGS that records scientific data.
  • Rise of the Sandinista government and the demise of the Somoza Dynasty

    Rise of the Sandinista government and the demise of the Somoza Dynasty
    The government was established by Humberto Saavedra. They represented/supported labor, peasants, and women. The US intervened due to the red scare. The US launched a campaign to overthrow the Sandinista government. Later, they lost to the National Opposition Union
    When the government ended, the structure of the government coincided within the administrative structure.
    This source is from the Library of Congress, a very respectable and prestigious domain.
  • President Chamorro's Rise to power

    President Chamorro's Rise to power
    Her first four years in power were marked by social, political, and economic instability. They reorganized the police and the army and removed Humberto Ortega. As years passed, the UNO and Chamorro government became a rivalry.
    When she first started, people thought she was unfit as a leader.
    The Chamorro Government stated that the military would submit to civilian rule
    This source is from the Library of Congress, a very respectable and prestigious domain.
  • 1990 Nicaragua Election (

    1990 Nicaragua Election (
    Elections were moved to 1991. The Sandinistas were confident in winning the elections despite their controversial actions during presidency. This in turn created the UNO (National Opposition Union), which comprised of liberals and conservatives, whose goal was to take down the Sandinista govt.
    (Source in title)
    President Bush supported Chamorro in the election and helped her gain publicity
    This source is by Noah Chomsky, a historian and policial activist who supported Nicaraguan deep history.