
Nicaragua Timeline

  • Somoza Garcia Elected President

    Somoza Garcia Elected President
    Somoza Garcia won in the December 1936 presidential
    elections, he diligently proceeded to consolidate his power
    within the National Guard (25).
    Administer military aid and advise the national guard
    Received direct aid through Military Assistance Programs Origin of the source is from Harvard University. The sources are obtained from their library at Harvard.
  • Somoza Garcia Investments

    Somoza Garcia Investments
    "helped Somoza García wins many powerful allies in the United States. Through large "investments in land, manufacturing, transport, and real estate, he enriched himself and his close friends" I deem this to be an important event during this time because of the economic aspects he thought about during his time The origin is from the Library of Congress Country Studies which is an archived library that keeps many sources funded by the government. Somoza built up a large fortune for himself.
  • Enters World War II

    Enters World War II
    "World War II benefited Nicaragua by injecting desperately
    needed United States funds into the economy and increasing
    military capabilities" (26) Origin is from the US databases and have reliable sources.
    They received raw materials in support of the Allied war effort.
  • Military Force to Costa Rica

    Military Force to Costa Rica
    Nicaragua joins the Organization of American States. Somoza dispatches an interventionist military force to Costa Rica. "The recurrent incidents on the border with Nicaragua are diversion tactics employed by President Anastasio Somoza to create an international untenable situation at home." This is from the Washington Post in which the article was written twenty years after this incident. They are known to use the sources from the Library of Congress.
  • "Commercial Liberty"

    "Commercial Liberty"
    "In 1950 Somoza Garcia signed an agreement with conservative general Emiliano Chamorro Vargas that assured the Conservative Party of one-third of the congressional delegates as well as limited representation in the cabinet and in the courts" (27)
    Used previous source, Washington Post Limited support from the elite to the Somoza regime, beenfited the economic growth of cotton and cattle exporters.
  • Mercenary Forces to Guatemala

    Mercenary Forces to Guatemala
    Somoza sends mercenary forces to Guatemala to help U.S. forces oust the socialist president, Jacobo Arbenz. These mercenary forces were to lead the activities that the socialist president underwent. Origin: The website is from Stanford, which is a timeline of the events that Somoza did during his presidency. Got their information from the Library of Congress.
  • Coups Against Him

    Coups Against Him
    He constructed a secure compound
    within his residence and kept personal bodyguards,
    independent of the National Guard, with him wherever he
    Written by John Simkin, he is an educator, written by education publishers about American History
  • Somoza Assassinated

    Somoza Assassinated
    On September 21, 1956, he was shot in the chest by a young poet and musician, Rigoberto López Pérez, at a party in the city of León. López was instantly brought down by Somoza bodyguards, but the president’s wounds would prove fatal a few days later. Washington Post Article
    Same as other Washington Post Article