Somoza Wins Rigged Election
Somoza became President following a rigged election. The election was so crooked that Somoza got over 100,000 votes while his opponent got less than 200.
This source was a scholarly, informative website that tended to focus primarily on the events leading up to Somozas regime. -
Nicaraguan Response to Pearl Harbor
Following the Pearl Harbor attacks on the United States, Somoza Garcia declares war on the Axis powers the very next day, even before the United States does. He did this to build relations with the United States and this shows his close relationship with America.
This source went into a lot of detail about Somoza's regime and was very useful, detailed, and informative. -
Somoza Helps U.S. in Guatemala
Somoza sends troops to Guatemala to help the United States depose Socialist President Jacobo Arbenz, showing his strong support for the United States in the fight against communism.
This source was another timeline that briefly discussed many events in Nicaraguan history. -
Assassination of Somoza Garcia
Young musician named Rigoberto Lopez shoots Somoza Garcia, who dies of his wounds a few days later. After the Sandinistas overthrow the Somozas and take control, they honor lopez as a national hero.
This source went into a lot of detail about Somoza's regime and was very useful, detailed, and informative. -
Sandinistas Overthrow Somozas
The Sandinistas finally defeat the Somozas and the National Guard, decades after Sandino's death and the oppression of the Somoza family.
This source was almost entirely focused upon discussing the Sandinista Revolution and gave me a lot of detailed information about the Somoza's downfall.