William Beveridge produced a report on the 'Five Giant Evils'. He went onto recommend the introduction of a Nationl Insurance scheme that all would pay into, but all would see the benefit of. Beveridge suggested ways of improving: health, education, housing, and social care within the community. -
Labour Party wins election with landslide victory. Newly elected Prime Minister,Clement Attlee, introduces a brand new welfare sytem based on the 1942 Beverage report.
National Insurance is introduced to pay for this new welfare system. Morale is high and the future looks promising. -
Town & Country Planning Act
This act was introduced in response to the appalling housing conditions WW2 had left in it's wake. Thousands of people were living in squalor. Many families lived in cramped, damp, dirty conditions; with no heating, lighting, or clean running water. This lead to disease, illness and poor mental health. Under this Act over 1 million council houses were built; all funded and managed by the goverment. -
Park Hospital in Manchester was the first ever NHS hospital opened. Health secretary, Aneurin Bevan took great pleasure in declaing the first 'free care for all' hosptial officially 'open!' -
Enoch Powell: 10 Year Hospital Plan
Powell proposed that over the next decade, any areas with a population of 125,000+, would have their own general hospital built to cater for their health care needs. This 10 year program was new territory for the NHS, it soon became clear that it had underestimated the cost and time it would take to build these new hospitals. -
The Cogwheel Report
This report had a major impact on the structure of our hospitals. Specialist wards were introduced to replace general wards.This then progressed on to specialised hospitals such as Alder Hey Childrens Hospital. -
The Local Goverment Act 1972
Localisation introduced in England. This involved taking the power and financial responsibility away from central government and passing it down to local councils. This gave local councils the ability to decide where best to spend their budget.
This; however, created a 'postcode lottery'. -
The Griffith Report 1984
The Griffith Report underlined major issues within the NHS: waste, inefficiancy and debt. Griffith proposed a complete overhall of the management structure. This took away decision from medical staff, and placed the responsibility in the hands of management exceutives. -
Working for Patients 1989
This white paper came about as a direct respone to the criticisms of the institutional provided at the time. This saw the closure of asylums and introduced ' Care in the Community'. This ensured that the elderly and those who need support for mental health, were cared for in their own home, rather than in an instituition. -
Caring for Paitients 1989
This white paper ensured that, for the first time ever, the NHS became purchasers, rather than providers.Contracts were created for private companies to bid for domesic services within hospitals, these included: cleaning, catering and laundry contracts.
Competition was created, hopefully ensuring the best quaility service, for the best price. -
NHS Today
2014 - NHS services are being broken down and privitised. Medical care has now been opened up for tender, and private businesses are operating some sevices, e.g. Circo, a private company, now control and operate the out of hours G.P. service within London. The government will still pay for this service; they just no longer provide it.