Adams wins the election of 1796
After a fierce campaign between Jefferson and Adams the electors gave Adams the Presidency. This Election is important because this was the first contested election even though in his farewell address Washington warned the country about the dangers of political parties. -
Adams signs the alien and sedition acts
The important part of the sedition acts (for this) is that they limited the freedom of speech of the people by restricting the amount people could speak bad about the federal government. -
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Campaign trail
On the campaign the to main candidates had little feuds that were sort of little bits of 6th grade drama were Jefferson once told a journalist that Adams was a hermaphrodite. Adams of course completely made told a journalist that Jefferson just up and died of course Jefferson wasn't died but has was just in Monticello VA.
Hmm. dirty politicians go at each other with whatever the can think of sound allot like american politics. -
The Voting starts with the electors
The electors start voting for president after the campaign that is a rematch of last election and the campaign was as dirty and filled with claims that are unjustified and cruel like saying your opposition is dead or they wanted the opposition dead ext.now it was time for the electoral college to step in. -
Jefferson and Burr come out tied
"The tally is in and the president is..." wait never mind the electors forgot to withhold a vote and now we have a tie which means the vote for president goes to our mostly federalists controlled House of Representatives. -
Judiciary Act Passed
The Federalist-dominated Congress passed the Judiciary Act, creating sixteen new circuit courts and thus providing President Adams with the opportunity to appoint sixteen new judges and dozens of federal attorneys, clerks, and justices of the peace in the final days of his presidency Also know as the midnight appointments -
Jefferson get's Elected
The Federalists stop stalling the vote after Hamilton persuaded the house to vote against burr. Letting this precedent of american history happen. -
Jefferson's Inauguration
Jefferson after getting elected only weeks before March 4th 1801 Jefferson arrives at Washington to get put in office and deliver his inaugural address. -
The 12th amendment is ratified
This amendment made in the last year of Jefferson's presidency was made to insure that there would be no tie against presidential candidate and his running mate which was possibly a decision of self preservation on Jefferson part to get his second term.