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Media History

  • Newspaper

    In the early years of media it was newspaper who rained supreme since back in the old 1860’s the only way to get your opinion across was to write about it and publish it for everyone to see and that’s how it was for the majority of the time till people realized that they could use magazines to not only express their opinions but also promote businesses and products and that was the beginning of promoting for a few years and the early years of media.
  • Motion pictures

    Motion pictures
    In 1904 the era of motion pictures began and through this method of media it made it so people could receive motion pictures by going to the movie theater which was very new at the time where they played movies and got the attention of the people and thus a new media was created and Hollywood was made with it as well and Walt Disney began its start with movie theaters in the 1920’s.
  • Radio

    In 1926 NBC became the first formal network on radio to match newspapers since before newspapers were the prime way to read the news but now people had a more faster and better way to catch up on news since with radio you don’t have to wait you can just tune to another channel and then your set to hear about the news all over the world, it was so good that newspapers were declining in sales fast and by 1934 half of the houses in the U.S. owned a radio.
  • Sound recording

    Sound recording
    In the 1940’s humans managed to create the first sound device that lets you play back sound, this was very important as it shows that sound can be stored and kept on media devices such as discs and tapes, and can keep music on them so now people can play their favorite music without needing to go to a music theater and let people enjoy a new media.
  • Television

    In 1949 TV’s began to make their appearance in the mass media world with network television and by 1956 TV would have 71.8 percent of all U.S. citizens owning a TV, not only does TV give people the ability to get news they also get the ability to get a picture to see what is going on around the world and not just hearing it through a radio so it’s the best of both and with the introduction of satellite it made TV the only way to watch movies in your house and watch cartoons in your living room.