New Zeland Timeline

  • 300

    300- 1300 A.D.

    300- 1300 A.D.
    The first inhabitants reach New Zealand. These people are called the Maori. The Maori have come from the eastern Polynesia. They set up camps, hunt, and gather.
  • 1769

    A British explorer by the name of James Cook set out on three voyages. One of them being on the island of New Zealand. His journals inspired Europeans to explore New Zealand. Causing more influence on the Maori.
  • 1840

    The Maori sign a Treaty of Waitangi. This gave control to the British for protection. This also guaranteed Maori possession of their land. It gave British more trade.
  • 1860

    Twenty year later, Europe starts fighting with the Maori. The war lasted a decade. The British didn't prove their protection to the Maori. Thousands were killed.
  • 1861

    A gold rush flourishes in New Zealand. The gold is discovered in Tuapeka. The rush causes more difficulties with the Maori and European war. It also made it harder for British to protect.
  • 1985

    New Zealand no longer allows U.S. nuclear-powered or nuclear-armed ships to enter its ports. Also during this time, French secret service agents blow up a Greenpeace ship. The ship was called Rainbow Warrior in Auckland Harbor.
    New feuds start with France.