Abel Tasman lands in Golden bay
with V.O.C -
James Cook lands in Poverty bay
mission to discover Australis -
Whaling started in NZ
musket wars began
first church service
arms race between tribes. 1000 pakiha reside in NZ
40,000 maori people died during the musket wars 1820-30
Hongi Heka died
King George recieved letters from chiefs for help
first NZ representative James Busby posted to NZ
William Colenzo brought out the printing press to NZ
New Zealand flag designed
Te Raupaha attacked akaroa
James Busby organised declaration of independance signed by 52 chiefs
William Hobson assigned to do the treatry
William Hobson arrived in New Zealand
James Busby wrote treaty draft
the reaty was signed
Te Rauparaha died