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New Zealand History

  • Jan 1, 1300

    First People

    First People
    The Maori are the first people to in habbit the land. They are from eastern Polynesia
  • Europe lands

    Europe lands
    The Dutch sailor Abel Janszoon Tasman lands in New Zealand and is the first European to be in New Zealand.
  • England claims the land

    England claims the land
    The British explorer James Cook makes his first vistit to New Zealand to claims land for King George III
  • Protection treaty

    Protection treaty
    The Maori sign the treat of Waitangi giving the British control of the land, in exchange for protection, and recognition of the Maori ownership of the land.
  • The wars

    The wars
    Years of land wars begin with the native Maori's and the Europeans
  • GOLD

    Gold is dicovered in Tupeaka starting up the gold rush
  • Rights for women

    Rights for women
    New Zealand is the first country to give women the rights to vote.
  • Dominion

    New Zealand becomes a self-governing community in the British empire
  • Independence

    New Zealand gains independence from Great Britan
  • Everest

    Sir Edmund Hillary is the first person to summit Mount Everest
  • Rugby

    New Zealand hosts and wins the Rugby world cup
  • Women

    Jennifer Shippley is the first women to be prime minister of the country
  • Afghanistan

    New Zealand sends troops to Afghanistan by the request of the United States