• 952

    first man in New Zealand!

    first man in New Zealand!
    The first population of the new zealand is composed by east polynesian. they came by boats.
  • Abel Tasman

    Abel Tasman
    He were a dutch navigator. He is the first to have recorded his trip to New Zealand
  • James Cook

    James Cook
    He were an English Captain. he had explores te coastline during his he's voyages in the south pacific.
  • english settlers

    english settlers
    in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, logging, sealing and whaling attracted European settlers to New Zealand, including the English, who made them one of their colonies in 1840
  • Maori wins

    Maori wins
    the maori dosn't like the settlers then they combat them to win rights and in 1867 they won right to a certain number of seat in parlaiment
  • women rights

    women rights
    in 1893 women recived the right to vote in a democracy.
  • New Zealand the New country

    New Zealand the New country
    New Zealand has been declared by wetminster law to be a country because it has aquired the national and international faculter
  • The south Pacific commission

    The south Pacific commission
    N-Z,Australia,France,the U-K and USA form the south pasific commission; Made to promote the welfare of the pacific region.

    In1984 the N-Z governements dosen't agree the nuclear weapons and tell to U.S. vessels to remouve the nuclear weapons
  • war ships

    war ships
    The N-Z governements refuse all passage of ships with nuclear weapons