New York Timeline CR

  • Explored The Hudson River

    Explored The Hudson River
    Exploring on behalf of the Dutch (Dutch West India Company) Englishmen Harry Hudson sails what we call now the Hudson.
  • The Mayflower Arrived

    The Mayflower Arrived
    The mayflower arrived off Cape Cod on the Massachusetts coast. Blown north off coarse the mayflower landed in an area called New England.
  • Self-Government begins to happen

    Self-Government begins to happen
    Initial move toward self-government when a burgher government a municupal corporation, is set up in New Amsterdam.
  • Duke of York get New Neatherland

    Duke of York get New Neatherland
    Charter of 1664 New Netherland is claimed for England King Charlers II, who gives it to his brother the James the Duke of York and Albany later known as King James II. Under this charter of New York.
  • New Amsterdam is now called New York City

    New Amsterdam is now called New York City
    English retake New Amsterdam, when the Dutch and England come to a peace agreement . New Amsterdam is now known as New York City.
  • Thomas Dongan becomes Royal Govener

    Thomas Dongan becomes Royal Govener
    Duke of York appoints new royal governer, Thomas Dongan, and directs him to call for a general assembly which would have the power to pass laws and subject to the approval of the governor and the duke himself.
  • Pass the Carter of Liberties and Privileges

    Pass the Carter of Liberties and Privileges
    Governor Dongan, his council and delegates meet at Fort James in New York City and pass the "Charter if Liberties and Privileges"
  • Tea is Thrown Overboard Ships

    Tea is Thrown Overboard Ships
    The sons of liberty boarded three ships in Boston and threw 342 chest of tea overboard.
  • British Parliaments passes several acts taxing colonies

    British Parliaments passes several acts taxing colonies
    British Parliament passes several acts taxing colonies without representation.
  • George Cliton of Ulser County is elected

    George Cliton of Ulser County is elected
    New York elects Brigadier General George Clinton as the first governor of the independent state of New York.
  • Slavery is outlawed

    Slavery is outlawed
    A new passed that would free slaves born before 1799 but not until 1817
  • Citizens had to be over 21 years old to vote

    Citizens had to be over 21 years old to vote
    Voting rights are extended to males citizens over 21 years old whom hold property.
  • New York got a railroad

    New York got a railroad
    New York got its first railroad between Albany and Schenectady.
  • Womes rights began to take place

    Womes rights began to take place
    More than 300 men and women gathered in Seneca Falls, for the nations first women rights convention.
  • Supplied the Union During The War

    Supplied the Union During The War
    The State of New York supplied almost one-sixth of all Union forces during the Civil War.
  • New York became known as Empire State

    New York became known as Empire State
    New York is now known as the Empire State
  • Statue of Liberty revealed

    Statue of Liberty revealed
    Statue of Liberty dedicated in New York Harbor. The statue of liberty , a gift to the united states form the people of France.
  • Constitutional convention is held

    Constitutional convention is held
    New York State's Constitutional Convention is held. As a result of this convention senators increased from 32 to 50.
  • A heat wave killed a lot of people and was a very rough time

    A heat wave killed a lot of people and was a very rough time
    Nine day heat wave in NYC killed 420 and was rough for a lot of people.
  • Governor Theodore Roosevelt is the first governor to take oath

    Governor Theodore Roosevelt is the first governor to take oath
    Theodore Roosevelt is the first president to take oath in the Capitol.
  • William McKinley their president is assassinated in Buffalo then Theodore Roosevelt is elected

    William McKinley their president is assassinated in Buffalo then Theodore Roosevelt is elected
    A 28 year old anarchist named Leon Czolgosz approaches him and fires two shots into his chest.
  • Women are starting to vote

    Women are starting to vote
    In the Western States women have won the right to vote, victory is starting to double for women eligible to vote in the Untied States.
  • Yankees Win World Series

    Yankees Win World Series
    The defending champions Milwaukee Braves and perennial champion New York Yankees met again for the second time as in many years with New York taking the victory. New York took game 3, 5, 6, and 7.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    This war was long and costly. The divisive war, increasingly unpopular at home, ended with the withdrawal of the United States.
  • Major Blackout

    Major Blackout
    Power was out for a little more than 24 hours that blackout lasted from 9:34 p.m. on July 13 to 10:39 p.m. on July 14. Many accidents occurred during this time.
  • Terrorist Plane Bombings

    Terrorist Plane Bombings
    Terrorist hijacked, then crashed two planes into the world trade center, nearly 3,000 people killed, with billions of property loss.
  • Strike by Workers

    Strike by Workers
    City bus and subway workers went on strike and were promptly slapped with with a million-a-day-fine
  • Hilary runs for president

    Hilary runs for president
    Hilary starts running for president but evidently her campaign fails.
  • Car bomb found in times square

    Car bomb found in times square
    A crude car bomb of propane, gasoline and fireworks was discovered in a smoking Nissan Pathfinder in the heart of times square.
  • Protest held at Times Square

    Protest held at Times Square
    Thousands of demonstrators protesting corporate greed filled Times Square on Saturday night creating chaotic scence
  • Saratoga Race Tracks 150th anniversary

    Saratoga Race Tracks 150th anniversary
    The oldest race track in America and one of the top 20 U.S sports venues of the 20th century is having its 150th anniversary.