
New York Timeline

By isaisg
  • Period: to

    New York Timeline

  • 1st Dutch settelment

    1st Dutch settelment
    The first Dutch settlement was established; for 40 years the Dutch ruled over the colony of New Netherland.
  • New York was discovered

    New York was discovered
    The New York colony was discovered by Peter Minuit in 1626 on Manhattan Island.
  • Jews in New Netherland

    Jews in New Netherland
    23 Jewish settlers arrived in New Netherland
  • New Netherland becomes New York

    New Netherland becomes New York
    The British army conquered the colony of New Netherland, which was then re-named New York, in honor of the Duke of York
  • A Dutch colony to an English

    A Dutch colony to an English
    Set up as Dutch colony,New York geta taken over by English in 1664
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    New York City hosted the first Colonial Congress, a conference called to discuss the KIng of England's Stamp Act.
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    July 4, 1776 United States Declaration of Independence
  • The New York Colonys independance

    The New York Colonys independance
    The New York Colony declared its independence on July 9th, 1776.
  • New Yorks constitution

    New Yorks constitution
    On April 20th, 1777 the New York Colony adopted it’s constitution.
  • NYs first governor

    NYs first governor
    In June, 1777, the New York Colony elected its first governor, George Clinton.
  • New York becomes a state

    New York becomes a state
    New York became a State on July 26, 1788
  • George Washington becomes President

    George Washington becomes President
    On April 30th, 1789 George Washington was inaugurated as the President of the United States in New York City. New York City was the new country's first capital city.
  • Albany becomes NYs capitol

    Albany becomes NYs capitol
    In January 1797 Albany became New York State's capital city.
  • Robert Fulton's Steamboat

    Robert Fulton's Steamboat
    Robert Fulton's North River Steamboat traveled from New York to Albany. This first voyage of significant distance made by a steamboat began a new era in transportation.
  • Erie Canal opens

    Erie Canal opens
    The Erie Canal opened in 1825, linking the Hudson River to the Great Lakes and leading to greater development in the western part of the state
  • New York Outlaws slavery

    New York Outlaws slavery
    New York outlawed slavery. At the forefront of the Underground Railroad movement, New York had more anti-slavery organizations than any other state and strong abolitionist leaders such as Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass and John Brown.
  • The first Womens Rights Convention

    The first Womens Rights Convention
    Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and more than 300 women and men gathered in Seneca Falls, for the nation's first women's rights convention
  • Elephants on the Brooklyn Bridge

    Elephants on the Brooklyn Bridge
    The Brooklyn Bridge, a wonder of design and engineering, opened. P.T. Barnum led a parade of 21 elephants back and forth across the bridge, to demonstrate its sturdiness to skeptics.
  • the Statue of LIberty

    the Statue of LIberty
    The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States in honor of the Centennial of the American Declaration of Independence. It was dedicated on October 28 in New York Harbor.
  • New Yorks first skyscraper

    New Yorks first skyscraper
    New York City’s first skyscraper was built: the 21-story Flatiron building at 23rd Street and Fifth Avenue .
  • the IRT

    the IRT
    New York City’s first subway line, called the IRT, opened.
  • The Permanent Headquarters

    The Permanent Headquarters
    New York City became the permanent headquarters of the United Nations.
  • World Trade Center

    World Trade Center
    The World Trade Center was completed. each of the twin towers meausered 1,368 ft. in height. Lieutenant Governor MAlcom Wilson became Governor of NY upon the resignation of Nelson Rockefeller.
  • Hillary Clinton is elected

    Hillary Clinton is elected
    Former first lady Hillary Clinton was elected to the US Senate. She was the first female senator to represent New York.
  • 9/11

    On September 11, terrorist attacks destroyed the World Trade Center. Nearly 3,000 people were killed. NY Stock Exchange closed for four days- its longest clousre since 1933. Today, the NAtional September 11 Memorial and Museum honors the nearly 3,000 people killed in the terror attacks of September 11,2001 at the World Trade Center;site near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
  • Hurricane Sandy

    Hurricane Sandy
    Hurricane Sandy hit New York City on October 29, 2012