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New World Timeline

  • 1492

    Columbus Lands in Bahamas

    Christopher Columbus, never actually set foot in America throughout his four journeys. Most were set in the Caribbean and South America.
  • 1501

    African Slaves

    While slavery went on for hundreds of years, it is believed to have begun in the new world in 1501.
  • 1521

    Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain, defeating the Aztecs

    Led by Herndando Cortes, a victory for European settlers gaining territory in the new land
  • 1532

    Pizarro Crushes the Incas

    Pizarro sailed to Peru and led his men up the Andes Mountains and defeated the Incas.
  • Jamestown

    English settlers landed and created the first English settlement.
  • Discovery of Tobacco

    John Rolfe brought Pocahontas to Jamestown and began to grow tobacco. He then made his first shipment to England and is responsible for most tobacco use today.
  • Headright System

    Way to attract new settlers to Jamestown and get them to work as farmers and laborers.
  • Pilgrims/Mayflower

    The pilgrims were a religious group that left England because of religious persecution.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    English settlement on the east coast . The Northernmost of several colonies and recognized as the province of Massachusetts By.
  • New England Confederation

    Military alliance of the English colonies of Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, and New Haven
  • Fortress at St. Augustine

    Designed by Spanish Engineer Ignacio Daza. Used to protect the and defend the City of St. Augustine.
  • Baon's Rebellion

    Armed rebellion by Virginia settlers against the rule of governor William Berkeley
  • Glorious Revolution

    The overthrow of King James II of England by a unon of English Parliamentarians with the Dutch Prince.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Series of prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts.
  • First Great Awakening

    Series of Christian Revivals that advised colonists to renew individual spirituality.
  • The Albany Plan

    Plan to unify the thirteen colonies into one government.
  • Start of French and Indian War

    War between the French and The English. The French recieved help from native Americans but England ended up winning the war.
  • Pontiacs Rebellion

    Native Tribes from Illinois and Ohio fought back against English Settlers
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp duty applied to newspapers and legal and commercial documents and encouraged the revolutionary movement against the English kingdom
  • Boston Massacre

    British Soldiers were being harassed and eventually fired upon a crowd of people killing five colonists
  • Burning of the Gaspee

    American Colonists set fire to the British ship the HMS Gaspee
  • Boston tea party

    Political protest by the American colonists where they snuck onto a British boat and dumped tea into the ocean causing the Intolerable acts.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    Delegates from the 13 colonies except Georgia met to organize a resistance to England.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    First battle of the American Revolution when the British troops were sent to confiscate weapons from colonists and were met by a militia of American soldiers.